Status: Active

Tell Me That You Love Me

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I had just finished unpacking my belongings. I just moved from my home of Seattle, Washington to Tuson, Arizona. Let me tell you, it was a gigantic change. Seattle was always cool and a bit rainy, but I loved the rain. I just loved the way that it smelled and the way that most people I knew hated it. I loved running through the rain, most people might think it’s weird, but I don’t. It made me feel different from all the other girls my age, I was unique. Arizona on the other hand was as my friend Valerie back home liked to call “Satan’s blowdryer” It was so hot over there I hated the heat. It made my hair frizz and girls dressed like they didn’t have parents and guys would drool shamelessly over them. EW! Anyway, I hoped that I could meet some great people here. I was supposed to start school there as a senior the next day. I don’t know what people wold say or think about the “new girl” and I wasn't sure if I should care or not. I felt that I should probably go out and get a feel of the neighborhood. I walked down the stairs and told my parents that I’d be taking a walk. I took my iPod out of my pocket and pressed play. I let the music fill my ears as I took in the atmosphere of the area. I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought before. I kinda liked the change. I suddenly saw a cafe I checked my pockets for money and there was a five dollar bill in there. I took my earphones out, wrapped them around my iPod and opened the door to the cafe. I suddenly heard my favorite song, “The Coast Of Maine” by Ivory start to play.

“Please wait for me...

I miss the holidays

The way you looked at me

Please wait for me...
I'm coming back to you in portland

I should have stayed back there with you

On the coast of Maine

I should have stayed back there with you

I miss our city 
The nights out walking

Please wait for me...
I'm coming back to you in Portland”

I think I might’ve just fell in love with this place. I walked up to the counter to see a tall boy with dark hair, beautiful green eyes, and the sexiest grin I’ve ever seen in my life. I LOVE Arizona.

“Welcome to Star Bistro, I’m John. What can I get for you?” He stated politely. His voice was hot, too. Ohmygod. It took me a while to notice that I was staring at him. “Uh, can I help you?” He asked patiently.

“I’m Skylar-I mean, Can I get a small Caramel frappe please?” I replied.

“Sure thing, that will be two-fifty,” He smiled softly as he typed in the order and gave me back my change. He went to the back to make the drink. Dammit, Skylar, why are you so terrible around boys, especially hot ones? Ugh. He came back with my drink and handed it to me.

“Here you go, see you around, Skylar,” John said handing me my drink.

“Thank you,” I replied walking out of the cafe. He remembered my name. I don’t I’ve ever been this giddy before. I was excited to see how everything will happen and if I’m lucky John might go to my school. I made my way home to Call my best friend back home and tell her about my new home.
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Ok, I wrote this story a few months ago. I decided to post this because my other story wasn't going that well. So, let me know what you think and I'll update soon!