Status: found another old story.


Lavi 1

I couldn't believe it. My mother has sent me to a reform school just because she saw me at the park near my house holding hands with another boy. I thought as I walked down the hall on my first day of my sophomore year. My mother is an insane homophone.

The only problem with that--well besides the fact that it makes her appear bat-shit crazy--is that I'm gay. When she found out, she ‘disinfected’ the whole house and then made me go live with my aunt till she found this “wonderful school for special kids like you who are ‘troubled’.”

And when I say special, I mean it. I mean special as in I just passed a kid setting a mountain of posters (that were trying to encourage people not to damage school property) on fire without touching it. Ah, the joys of living in the real world.

Most people don't know about the real world but when your mom can move things without touching them, your father can make the temperature in a building change at will and your eyes happen to be pink, you sure as hell know about the real world.

"Yeah! A new person!" someone behind me shouted. I kept walking, praying they weren't talking about me. Suddenly, an arm came up from behind me. I looked up from under my hair to see a girl who looks like she should be going to a normal school and not one where most of the kids have been to court.

It was strange for someone to be speaking to me. At my old school I had basically been the social outcast and sometimes went days without talking to any one. The girl put her arm around my shoulders and started walking in time with me. She was also incredibly tall-about a foot taller than me. I looked over at her and noticed the huge white downy wings sprouting from her back.

Those were cool. I'd have to remember to draw her sometime.

"I'm Angel." She said, interrupting me from my thoughts. I guess I looked startled because she smiled at me sympathetically before asking what class I had first.

"Art?" oops. That came out more like a question then an answer.

"Cool! I think that's what Toni and Estella have first too.” She said looking excited and pointing into the air. “Hey! Where'd they go?" sounding annoyed, a slight frown appeared on her face. Spinning around, she kept her hand on my shoulder to keep me from walking away, which is what I would have done. But it turns out she’s super strong too.

"Toni, Liza! Get your asses over here and tell Jam to hurry up and finish burning those posters!" She yelled as two people walked up. Well, one person and one elf, if we’re getting specific. The boy was taller than me (though it’d be sad if he wasn’t) and so was the elf girl.

The boy was dressed like a stereotypical Goth and had one eyebrow pierced. The elf girl was wearing a sweatshirt and skinny jeans.

I noticed that all the way up both of her long pointed ears were piercing after piercing. But, the best thing about her was her hair. Her hair was silver, like the color of the mettle not an old person silver. And for some reason, she was smirking now.

"This is Toni and this is Liza." said Angel pointing first to the boy and then to the elf girl.

"Toni is a vampire and Liza is and elf." Toni rolled his eyes at the same time and Liza pointed out that it was rather obvious that she was an elf.
Angel gave them dirty looks while pointing out that it wasn't so obvious that Liza could read minds too.

She could read minds? Great she probably heard me thinking about her hair.

“You’re funny.” She told me winking. My face turned red as I realized that she had been reading my thoughts.

oops. I give up and accept that my thoughts are no longer mine.

"James Acastus Cain!" yelled Angel,

"Get over here and stop scaring freshmen-even if it is funny!"

… and now that I’m deaf…

A boy sauntered over obviously annoyed that Angel had used his full name in front of everybody. If I was him I wouldn't have been too pissed though because his name wasn't that bad.

kinda nice sounding.

As he got closer, his face became clearer.

No shit Sherlock. What else would it do?

Shut up.

He was beautiful. He had dark dark red hair that was swept over his eyes. That I didn't understand though. His eyes were a fascinating shade of green.

"What, dearest sister?" he asked, sarcasm dripping from every word. She glared at him and flipped him off.

"Who's the short kid?" James asked, turning his all attention to me. I frowned slightly and glared up at him from under my hair.

Hey man! That’s rude! Keep in mind that I’m at the perfect height to punch you in the balls.

I must have offended him somehow, because Angel put a hand on his shoulder and Liza sucked in a breath through her teeth. James's jaw became more pronounced for a second then it relaxed.
The tension in the air relaxed along with his jaw.

"So, what's the little ass holes name?" I pursed my lips but you couldn't tell because my hood was up.

"Don't be mean." Angel scolded as James rolled his eyes.

"His name is Lavi Grey." Liza informed them.

"Lavi? What kind of fucked up name is that?" James snorted, a smirk apparent on his face.

at least my name is cool.

"Yeah, kind of. "Liza muttered.

"So…" Angel said, drawing out the end, obviously searching for a different subject.

"Toni! Don't you have art first?" Angel looked at him imploringly.

"Yeah. Wish I had English though." he muttered wistfully.

"Where's Estella? I thought she was going to meet us before school started." complained Liza

"She's locked up somewhere down south." Toni said dismally.

"Why? What’d she do this time?"

"Robbed a grocery store then set fire to the store and spray painted ‘catch me if you can pigs’ in the parking lot.

"Without me?! Both James and Liza said, looking very disappointed.

"Yes without you two!" Angel said rolling her eyes and sounding relieved. "You go to the police enough without help from Estella! Thank Jesus we’re back in school now and can’t get arrested as long as it’s the staff that finds you!" James looked pissed.

I think he looks like that most of the time though

"When does she get out?" Liza asked, already over the fact that she had missed out on some fun.

"In two days. Wanna go meet her at the station?"

"Were was she being held?" Angel asked.

"Texas or Mississippi. I think." Angel just rolled her eyes.

"You guys up for sneaking out of school to go meet Ez? Oh, you can come too midget boy."

Midget boy?! I'm not liking this nickname thing.

"Ok" I said with a shrug, “But no more midget boy”

"Foo. I liked that one." Angel giggled.


"Get to class!" someone--probably a teacher—instinctively, I started to slink off but Angel caught me by the shoulder again.

"See you later!" she said waving. Toni glared but nodded his head slightly. Liza stuck out her tongue and I noticed the stud in it. James simply walked away.

and without giving me a good bye. How rude!
♠ ♠ ♠
So I stumbled upon another old story. There is a surprising amount written of it. Though it does have to all be edited and updated. anyways, how do you like Lavi here? I think he's a cutie personaly...
