Status: found another old story.


James 1

I sighed and slouched away to first period. It was the first day of my junior year, and all I wanted to do was leave.

I wasn't even looking foreword to lunch. I've haven't eaten much since what happened. Every time I eat I feel like throwing up.

As I walked down the halls I noticed that they had replaced all the posters I had burnt last year. And what better for starting a bathroom on fire than posters encouraging kids not to damage school property or be respectful?

Angel, Liza, Toni and I had come into school early to fuck everything up before the teachers came in. I think Toni is adding blood to the brownie batter and Angel and Liza were probably destroying the teacher’s lounge like they do every year. I can’t believe the staff hasn’t figured it out yet.
Fucking idiots.

I personally was going to find all the fresh new posters about school spirit, cooperation and not damaging school property, rip them off the walls then make a big pile of them in front of the main entrance to the school and make a bonfire.

After I set the posters, on fire I slipped into the shadows of the lockers. Looking over all the freshmen. There we're about 50 new kids most of which were freshmen. In fact, all but one was a freshman. I think.

The boy who wasn't a freshman was short enough to be one though. Actually, he was shorter. I couldn’t see much of him because he had his hood up and was slouched over.
I didn't see any obvious reason for his being here though. He didn’t look like he had any reason to be here though. Then I turned my back to him and randomly chose a group of new kids to scare.

First I stood behind the one closest to me and glared at him from under my hair. Most of these kids will only be here for a year before they give up and promise to be good forever. I grabbed his neck and let my body heat up, burning him.

"James Acastus Cain!" I heard Angel yell from somewhere farther down the hall "Get over here and stop scaring freshmen-even if it is funny!"

I frowned at the freshmen then spit fire at the kid. Turning around I glowered and sauntered down the hall to where Angel, Toni and Liza were standing with the short new kid I had seen earlier.

"What, dearest sister?" I asked, glaring at her. Then she started talking about something and I zoned out, watching the short kid. I took a deep breath as I realized he look almost exactly like him.

"Whose the short kid?" I asked, calling him short because most people who are short don't like being reminded of it, and I was in the mood to hit somebody. He mumbled something but all I caught was “punch you in the balls”.

I clenched my jaw while trying to decide weather or not to hurt him. I didn’t really care what he had said, but I really did what to hit something. Angel put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with her bright blue eyes, though our magical twin connection I could tell she didn’t want me to hurt him. Because I love my sister, I decided not to hurt him.

The tense moment passed and they started talking again. I got distracted when I realized I couldn’t see his eyes. I wonder what color they are? I bet there a light green or maybe a dark blue or turquoise? Turquoise would look good on him; so would a deep red.

"What’s the little ass holes name?" I asked trying to sound uninterested. I don't think it worked.

"Don’t be mean" Angel scolded and I rolled my eyes at her.

"His name is Lavi Grey" Liza told me.

"Lavi? What kind of fucked up name is that?" I scoffed. His name is actually really cool.

"Yeah kind of" Liza muttered.

"So..." Angel said trying to change the subject. "Toni! Don't you have art first?"

"Yeah. Wish I had English though." that's Toni. I don't understand why he wants to be a surgeon if he loves writing so much. Maybe it has something to do with him being a vampire, there’s allot of blood in hospitals.

I wonder what he writes about. I'd have to find that out later.

“Where’s Estella? I thought she was going to meat us before school." Liza asked.

yeah. That’s a good point. Where is Ez?

"She's locked up again,” said Toni sadly.

"Why? What’d she do this time?" Angel asked. Angel was really close to Estella and I know she
hated it when Ez go in trouble with the law.

"Robbed a grocery store then burnt it down and spray painted ‘catch me if you can pigs’ in the parking lot." Toni informed us.

"Without me?" I said at the same time as Liza.

“Yes without you two!" Angel sighed, sounding relieved. She hatted it when any of us got into

"You two go to the police enough with out help from Estella!"

"When does she get out?"

"Two days. Wanna go meet her at the station?"

"Station? Where was she being held?" Angel asked.

“Texas or Mississippi. I think" Angel rolled her eyes.

"You up for sneaking out of school to go meet Ez? You can come too midget boy." Why does Angel have to be so nice?

"Ok" He said with a shrug. Stupid ass hole had to say yes. "But no more midget boy”

“Foo. I liked that one." Angel said playfully. I looked at Angel questioningly, mouthing ‘foo?’ She just smiled at shrugged.

"Get to class!" someone yelled from somewhere down the hall.

Like we were really going to listen.

“See you later!” Angel called as Lavi walked away. Or it could have been someone else. I didn’t see as I was already walking away.
♠ ♠ ♠
And here's James. I'm fond of him as well. I think they make quite a cute couple. So feedback would be great:]
