Status: found another old story.


Lavi 2

My first class was art. Normally, I would have enjoyed it. But since it was the first day of school all we did was take a pointless evaluation thing.

This meant that we were given a piece of paper and were told to draw something on it. I really wanted to draw Angel's wings or Liza’s hair but I needed paint for Liza and I didn't want to draw someone everyone would know.

That’s a good way to start out at a new school Lavi-make yourself look incredibly creapy!

I settled for something I do when I'm out of ideas. I sketched something from one of my dreams. I know that sounds super lame, but every night I have super vivid colorful realistic dreams. And I remember them all. Usually I end up getting killed or tortured, but last night I could breath under water and instead of the fish having fins, they had wings. So I drew a winged fish.

I realized that the piece would look good with color so I took my colored pencils out of my backpack and colored the flying fish with bright greens, dark blues and some black on the wings with a bit of silver gel pen to make them shine. It looked pretty good. Still, I could have put more effort into it.
Toni-who I was across from me-leaned over. I was just finishing the wings and even though it wasn't very good, he seemed impressed.

"That's amazing." He whispered, giving me the thumbs-up sign.

"Are you kidding?" I asked in a hushed tone, "This sucks compared to other stuff I've done." Toni just shook his head and rolled is eyes.

Finally, class ended and we all hurried to turn in our work. Second, third and fourth period all passed in a blur. I had second with James, third with Angel and Liza and fourth with no one.
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