Status: found another old story.


Lavi 4

When we get back to the cafeteria, Angel and Toni are talking and looking worried. I can’t see James anywhere. Huh. He seemed to stick pretty close to Angel even though I was around her today.

I don’t think he likes me at all though

Liza's brow was creased and she looked worried. "Shit." I heard her mutter under her breath. Then she quickened her pace and I had to hurry to keep up.

I’ve got such fucking short legs.

As we got closer, I heard Angel and Toni they sounded worried. I couldn’t really understand what they were saying. "Where is he?" Liza asks as soon as we get closer.

"I don't know! He told me to shut up and ran out of here. Damn it!" Angel replied slamming her fist on the table.

"Why? What's wrong with him telling you to shut up and then running out of here?" I asked.
Either these people are super worriers or I was completely missing something. "You’re missing
something." Liza told me.

"What am I missing then?” I huffed.

“Something happened to him two years ago that left him really fucked up.”

"If we want to meet Estella at the train station we need to go now" Toni informed us.

I guess her train gets here early. It was just noon.
Angel took James’ backpack along with her own and we followed her to the room she shared with Estella. I kept mine with me while the others left theirs in the room.

"First!" called Angel.

First for what?

Then she vaulted out of the window, opening her wings and gliding well, angelically down to the ground on the other side of the tall brick wall that encompassed the school.

Well that was cool, but I can’t fly.

Liza let out a small laugh then grabbed my backpack and opened it. Pulling out a rope that was very long.

How'd that get in my backpack? Actually, I'm not sure I want to know, considering I never go anywhere without it.

"I'll show you later" Liza smirked. Toni chuckled evilly before handing over what he has been holding this whole time. It's a grappling hook.

"From the armory. I got it this morning before school." He said, before I could open my mouth.

Liza stepped out on to the thick ledge under the window and swung the grappling hook above her head, throwing it and hooking it perfectly on the wall.

She stepped back inside and pulled the rope taught.

Then she handed the end to Toni jumped out of the window.

And walked across the taught rope.
Wow. Pretty sure I’m gonna have to get across a different way.

"You next" Toni told me nodding toward the window.

"Just going over on your hands though" I nodded and slung my backpack over my shoulder, then crawled out onto the tiny ledge.

I brought my first hand up to the rope and then my other hand. Slowly, hand over hand I made my way across the wide gap.

As I got more confident, I went faster and before I knew it, I was across and on top of the wall with Angel and Liza.

"That was your first time doing something like that. Wasn't it?" Angel asked, giving me a ‘you’re way to innocent to be here’ look.

Well maybe I’m not as innocent as you think! yes I am

"Watch Toni" Liza laughed, pointing across the gap.
I watched as Toni coiled up the rope till he was leaning out the window, then he jumped out of the window, swinging across and trying to climb up the slack as fast as possible. He landed part way up the wall, hitting the stone surface with an audible smack.

By the time he climbed the rest of the way up, Angel and Liza were bent over laughing and a small smile flickered on my lips.

“You know I would have flown over and held the rope for you, right?” Angel asked, when she had recovered from her laughing fit.
Toni realized it now anyway.

He stuck out his tongue and jumped to a branch of a near by tree.

"He's excited to see Ez." Liza said, implicating things such as sex.

In front of us I heard Toni shouting long strings of curses at Liza, some in the vampires’ language I think.

Apparently jumping though a forest is preferable to taking a taxi. By the time we got there, I was gasping for breath and hating everything that involved moving.

Before we walked out of the shadows, Liza put up her hood. Angel stayed under the cover of the darkness and I realized that she couldn’t come out with us because of her wings.

"I'll stay here." she murmured, forcing a smile onto her face.
She nodded us out into the open, then faded back into the forest.

Toni and Liza ran up to the platform and watched as the train pulled up. While I stayed back, unsure of whom to stand by. I knew Angel much better. But I think she wanted to be alone.

The first person out was a small coffee skinned girl with dark hair in thin dread locks. It looked like her ears were very pierced, she had a stud in her nose along with her septum and angel bites.
I'm going to take a wild guess her and say this Estella.
♠ ♠ ♠
fucking long chapter. And me feeling so awful too!

Thanks so much to the readers