Status: in progress

Nothing Compares

Tears Of Rain

Tears of Rain

Elizabeth watched intently as he walked up the path towards the house. The silent rain continues to fall, causing murky puddles to form on the grassy earth. Luckily, the candle lit up a small part of the room, but not enough to see clearly. The clouds in the sky gave everything a dull grey glow making it almost impossible for even the luckiest person to be in a joyful mood.

She sighed impatiently as the man failed to notice the puddles and splashed carelessly; she reluctantly heaved herself up and walked to the front door to meet him.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Turner, may I come in?" He was a tall, lean man in his thirties; he had fair skin, and dark fairly long hair. He reminded Elizabeth of Will, all at once memories flooded into her mind. Not all memories were as grand as their wedding day or the day when they first met. Smaller things were more significant, when they had first met she always thought of him. She liked him because he was down to earth, even that more adventurous than the kind her father would talk into warming Elizabeth's heart. Will and Elizabeth saw each other more each week back then and most of the time it wasn't intentional. But she missed how he would wrap his arm around her comfortingly when she felt down, how he would always use humor and tell her the times he messed up and embarrassed himself to make her feel better. Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

She grimaced; the man noticed this and looked at her worriedly.

"Oh yes, please do, come in come in" she said too cheerfully as Elizabeth opened the door wider for him to step through. He wiped his feet quickly and stepped inside the house. Elizabeth took his soaking coat and hung it up before leading him into one of the main rooms. The house felt much bigger when there was only one person living in it.

"Are you keeping well?" he asked walking behind her. "Make sure you keep warm, the days are getting shorter and the sun fails to shine, I find it is rather strange in the Caribbean."

"Yes, things do look bleak." She replied bluntly as she took her seat near the window. He looked around before perching himself onto a chair.

'I am deeply sorry for your loss. If there is anything you want me to do-

"That would be greatly appreciated Doctor, times are hard."

"Of course" he checked Elizabeth to see if she was healthy, she resisted rolling her eyes; even she could do this herself.

"You seem to be healthy. I would suggest that a walk into town or even just a breath of fresh air will do you good though, but the awful weather may just catch you a cold, it would do you more badly than good." He sighed getting up. "Keep yourself occupied, if the weather does get better meet up with someone. You never know it may take your mind off things"


He nodded sympathetically.

"But there isn't really anyone left who is close for me to do that, not many people would understand." She answered finally looking into his eyes. But he just looked at her helplessly. She closed her eyes for a second before turning to look out the window. The doctors in Port Royal were all British, they were well educated but they never had any new ideas to help, they would all say the same things. Maybe it was time for a different sort of life in another country, or just travelling in memory of Will.

"I'll bring someone else along who can help with the situation. I will pop around next week."

"Yes Doctor thanks for your help." She said monotonously.

After he left she decided she would go for a walk, there was no point staying inside she was going on out whether it was raining or not.

"I'm not staying here for a moment longer." She murmured to herself as she put on a dark blue cloak and pulled the hood over her head to protect her hair from the rain. She opened the wooden door and ran down the hill carefully avoiding puddles and rock. The sea below was crashing against the pale sand. Elizabeth could faintly hear them from the top of the small cliff. She and Will had moved on the cliff away from the town so they wouldn't get interruptions from the town folk. But all Elizabeth wanted to do was to see somebody and be closer to the town to see what happens every day. She slowed to a walk on lower ground and scanned the empty streets. Rain was lightly hitting her soft face but she still ventured further.

"That's strangeā€¦" she muttered, there were two ships docked that weren't property of the royal navy. In fact they shouldn't even be in Port Royal their appearance was different and exotic compared to the other dull British ships that she saw every day. Obviously something going on, her curious mind got the better of her and she turned around facing the two ships.

Suddenly Elizabeth noticed something; she now wished she had never left the house. She stepped back nervously watching the two men advance on her.