Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

More Katherine

Michael’s POV:

I walk back into the hospital with Mady’s parents.

“You must be Mr. Marx. I’m Michael Martinez, Mady’s boyfriend.” I hold my hand out and he shakes it.

“Nice to meet you, Michael. I trust that you’ll keep my daughter safe.”

“He does a great job, Rick.”

“That’s not what I asked is it, Melissa?” Now I can see why Mady would be upset over them.

“Mr. and Mrs. Marx, please cool it. Mady’s probably still asleep and I doubt she wants to wake up to you two arguing again.” I am so angry with them for some reason.

“You’re right, Michael. Thank you for being a reasonable young man.” Mr. Marx doesn’t seem like a terrible guy.

“Thank you, Mikey.” Mrs. Marx says. The three of us walk to Mady’s wing.

“You can’t go in there yet.” A nurse stops us.

“It’s 7 in the morning, we can go.” I tell her and hold out my phone.

“Stupid rules.” She turns the corner and we go in.

“Mady, sweetie, are you awake?” Mrs. Marx asks quietly.

“No, I’m not. I’m still sleeping.” She smiles and sits up.

“Good morning, sunshine.” I say.

“Wait, Mikey, why aren’t you in school right now? Weren’t we supposed to go back today?” Leave it to Mady to worry about school.

“Yes, but I ditched to be with you. So did Kayla and Misty.” They walk in.

“So did Zach and Cameron.” Misty announces.

“Well, I guess you don’t need us right now. We’ll be in the café if you need us.” Her parents walk out of the room.

“We may not be that close yet, but you’re dating our friend and we’re dating your friends. That has to mean something.” Zach says and she laughs.

“Well thank you, Zach and Cameron. That means a lot that I have friends. I just wish you didn’t have to see me looking so pathetic.” I run over to her.

“You do not look pathetic! You were in a tough place and I don’t blame you for it. None of us blame you for it.”

“Mikey, it was selfish of me. If I had died you would blame me, yourself, or both of us.” I don’t even want to think about that.

“But you didn’t die. You are here and you will get better. You’ll go to counseling and actually talk to us if you have a problem.”

“It’s not that simple, Mikey. I need to go to rehab for a month, then I’ll have to make up the work for all of January. After that I’ll have counseling at least once a week until they decide I’m better.” She is sitting up taller now.

“We’ll worry about that then. When do you go to rehab?” It sounds so bad to call it that.

“Sometime next week, maybe on Monday. I’ll be out on February 10, a Sunday.”

“Okay, so everything will be great after that.”

“I really hope so, Mikey.” She leans in to me.

“Hey, can I talk to Mady for a while?” Katherine is standing in the doorway.

“No, you can’t. You have nothing to say to her.” Misty, all 5 foot of her, is standing in the door.

“Please, I really need to clear some things up. I was terrible and I want to explain myself and apologize to Mady. Without all of you near me.” She says, getting angry.

“Guys, let her talk. Mady, we’ll be right outside. Yell if you need us.” I say.

“I’ll try not to need you.” We leave and I hope for the best.
