Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Katherine 2.0

Madeline’s POV:

“What do you want, Katherine?” I ask, really not wanting her in here.

“I just want to apologize. Mikey and I had a talk yesterday and it got me thinking. I was terrible to you and it was all because I was jealous of you.” She did not just say that.

“Why in the world would you be jealous of me? I’m a new girl with divorced parents that cuts herself.”

“You don’t cut yourself now that you’re getting help and you only started because of me.” I almost feel bad for her.

“It was partially the divorce that caused it.”

“But I was the main reason.” This is a side of her I have never seen before.

“Yeah, you were the main reason. I’m sorry, I can’t get over the fact that you were jealous of me.”

“You had Mikey and I didn’t. You still have him.” She says.

“That’s why you hated me?”

“Pretty much. You have the one thing I want but can never have. I lost Mikey because I’m a bitch.”

“I wish I could say it’s possible for you to get him again, but I can’t. So I’ll say there is someone out there for you. You just need to find him and not be mean.”

“Thanks, newbie, Mady. You really aren’t a bad person. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you.” She walks out and Mikey runs in.

“Are you okay? Did she hit you?” I laugh.

“No, she apologized and I learned some things about her. She isn’t that bad of a person.” He smiles.

“I know. Believe it or not, that side you just saw used to be her all the time.”

“So what happened to her? Why did she change to what she is now?”

“I have no idea, Mady. She said she woke up one day, but I know that’s not who she is.” I can tell by his voice that it still hurts him.

“Mikey, it wasn’t you, so don’t even think that.”

“I can’t help but wonder if I did something to her.”

“No, Mikey, believe me when I say she loves you.”

“Thanks, Mady. Well, I have to practice songs with the guys, but Misty and Kayla are here.” The four of them walk in.

“Yes we are. We won’t leave until they get back.” Kayla nods towards the guys.

“Thanks, girls.” They run over and hug me. They really are good friends to me.

“Let’s go, Mikey. Two hours and you can come back here. Feel better, Mady.” Zach looks at me.

“I’ll try to for Mikey, Misty, and Kayla. Heck, you’re my friends so I’ll do it for you, too.” I say to Zach and Cameron. Cam runs over and hugs me.

“You are too sweet. No wonder Misty likes being friends with you.” I laugh.

“Guys, thank you for treating me normal. My parents keep acting like I’m dying or something, but you make me feel normal.”

“You are normal, Mady. You made a mistake, but you’re fixing it. You are still the Madeline Marx that I will love forever.” Mikey kisses me and leaves.

“Gossip time.” Misty yells.

“Tell us everything Katherine said and did to you.” Kayla throws in.
