Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Mikey's Big Mistake

Michael’s POV:

“Guys, thank you so much for accepting Mady the way you did.” I say when we get to Zach’s house. It’s nice to know my friends have my girlfriend’s back.

“Anytime, Mikey. She’s a really sweet girl and she must be something if she puts up with you.” Zach laughs and Cameron joins him.

“Yeah, she’s pretty funny from what Misty tells me. You should bring her around more when she gets out of the hospital.”

“I will, Cam. I can’t wait for you guys to really meet her and spend time with her.”

“Neither can we.” Zach says. We start practicing and exactly two hours later I throw down my drum sticks and run out.

“Bye, guys, I’ll talk to ya later. Should I send Misty and Kayla over here?”

“Sounds good!” Zach yells as I run out the door. I drive to the hospital and see her parents.

“Hey, is Mady okay?” It is freaking me out that they aren’t up there.

“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s been laughing with her friends since you left. We asked if any of them wanted something and they said no then went back to talking.” Mrs. Marx tells me.

“Nice!” I run to the elevator and down the hall.

“Nice to see you, Mikey.” Kayla says when I get inside.

“Mady, I missed you!” I yell and she laughs.

“Mikey, it’s only been a few hours. We’ve been apart longer than this before.” But she’s never been in danger before that I knew of.

“I know, I just feel like I haven’t seen you in a long time.” I say as a cover.

“You can tell me the truth.” Mady gets serious.

“We’re going now. Are we going to Zach’s house?” Misty asks. I nod and they run out.

“Tell me what’s going on. I may be stuck in this building, but I’m not stuck in this stupid bed or room.” She stands up and walks over to me.

“Nothing’s going on, I’ve just missed you.” I want her to drop it.

“Go, Mikey.” She says through clenched teeth. I stand there and reach for her. “Go!” She yells and starts to cry. I go to wipe a tear and she turns from me.

“Mady, do you really want me to go?” I don’t get why she’s acting this way. She nods and I leave. “I’ll be back later.” I tell her.

“Don’t come back today. Or the rest of the week. You have school.”

“I skipped today.” I protest.

“Yeah but you practiced today. Tomorrow is Tuesday, you have school. Zach, Cameron, Misty, and Kayla have school. I’ll see you Friday evening.”

“Mady.” I start but she cuts me off.

“Michael, I asked you to leave and I mean it.” I walk out and see her parents again.

“What happened? Look, those nurses don’t-”

“Mady wanted me to leave.” I cut Mr. Marx off and walk out. Mrs. Marx runs after me.

“Hey, she’s just emotional right now. It’ll be better tomorrow.” She tells me.

“Mady asked me not to come back until Friday evening and I will respect that.”

“Come back tomorrow night, dear. Give her some time to cool off and realize she misses you.” I walk out and just start driving. What if this is the end of us?
