Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

New Scars

Madeline’s POV:

Right at 4 Mikey walks in. Why the heck is he here right now?

“Unless I was in a coma and it’s already Friday, you need to leave.” I told him not to come back and I meant it.

“Mady, just tell me what’s going on here.” He begs.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. You’re a jerk who can’t tell me the truth! You step around my feelings and I don’t want that right now. I need you to be honest with me. Now go!” I yell and he stands there, then leaves. I start crying and my mom walks in.

“Sweetie, what happened?”

“I don’t know, mom. Mikey lied to me and I just can’t take it right now. My relationship is failing just like you and dads.”

“This is completely different!” She says. “You two love each other very much and you can make it through this.”

“I’m not so sure about that. He lied to me, mom.”

“If we got mad every time someone lied, no one would be speaking to anyone.”

“He lied to me.” I just can’t get over the fact.

“I know it hurts, sweetie, but you’ll get over it.” She doesn’t get it. I trust him to always tell me what he’s thinking or feeling, especially now.

“Can I just be alone right now?” I ask her. She nods and walks out. I reach for the blade I have in my drawer. I guess the nurses don’t look for everything. I start crying and push the help button.

“Are you okay? Oh, my gosh, don’t do it!” The nice nurse, the one that let Mikey stay, runs over and grabs it from me. I cry harder.

“He lied to me when I’m like this!”

“But this is no solution. Are you trying to kill yourself?” The nurse asks me.

“I just want to go to rehab.”

“You can’t. We have to wait for your cuts to heal a little more.”

“I hate this!” I yell. The girls are getting ready for a school dance, I sent Mikey out, and my parents are getting my dad ready to go back home. There is no one here.

“Of course you do, but you made the mistake. You have to learn from it.”

“I’ve learned, now let me go.” I get up and she blocks me.

“You have to stay here. Here’s a calendar for you to mark off the days until you get out.” She has my rehab entry day marked and the day I go home marked.

“Could you put a circle on Friday?” I ask her.

“Sure, why?” She circles it.

“That’s the day Mikey’s coming back to visit me. And it might be the day we break up.” My heart sinks. If he doesn’t tell me the truth, there’s no way I can trust him.

“You two will be fine.” She hangs the calendar up and walks out of the room. I get up and start walking. I see Mikey in the hall.

“You’re still here?” I go up to him, but he gets farther from me. I reach for him and he’s not there, it’s a coat rack. “I knew you wouldn’t be.” I go back to my room and watch TV.
