Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Fixing Mistakes

Michael’s POV:

“Mady, are you ready for school?” I ask walking in to her house.

“Do I have to go? People are going to think I’m a freak.” She drags herself downstairs.

“No they won’t. And who cares if they do? Kayla, Misty, and I know you aren’t a freak.” I kiss her and she smiles.

“That makes me feel so much better. Thank you, Mikey.” I carry her stuff to my car and open the door for her.

“Come on, you can do this.” I turn the radio on and Kiss It All Better starts playing. I look at her and she starts to tear up.

“I don’t like this song much anymore.” I stop at the light and kiss her.

“You didn’t die, I’m not in jail, no one’s dead. It’s still a perfectly good song.”

“But no one could kiss this better and I go back to that day when I asked you to, knowing you couldn’t.” I change the station.

“Now we don’t have to think about it.” We start singing along to 1985 by Bowling For Soup.

“Much better.” She laughs and I don’t want to think about how much I would have missed her if she were gone. I pull in my spot and we walk in. I open the door for her and people start whispering.

“Misty, Kayla, hey!” I yell down the hall hoping people will continue on with their day. They wave and Mady goes to her locker with her head down. “You’ll be fine.” I say, opening my locker.

“Look, it’s the crazy girl who hates life. Watch out, she might still have a knife.” Boys walk by and laugh.

“Mikey, I can’t do this.”

“Yes you can.” I walk up to them. “What is your problem?” I ask them.

“Our problem is that your girlfriend is a weird girl. She actually liked making hurting herself.”

“No she didn't, but she did it because of assholes like you.” They walk off. “Mady, I’m so sorry that happened.”

“I should have expected it. I’m sure everyone knows by now.” She closes her locker and heads for her first class.

“Take care of her.” I say to Kayla and Misty.

“We will, Mikey, she is our friend.” Kayla tells me and they run after her. I start to go after her, but get stopped.

“How is she?”

“Really, Katherine, you care now? How about asking me that when she was in rehab?” I don’t want to see her right now.

“I’m sorry, okay? I couldn’t really deal with the fact that I did that to someone.”

“I just don’t want to deal with you right now. I need to go check on my girlfriend because she hates herself and idiots aren’t really helping that.”

“People are being mean to her?” Katherine acts like this is a whole new thing.

“Yeah, they might actually be worse than you. Who knew that was possible?” I walk off and leave her there with her mouth hanging open.

“Mikey, she’s in the bathroom and we can’t get her out.” Misty runs up to me.

“You left her in there?” I start running.

“Kayla’s talking to her. Mady’s responding so we think that’s good.” I go faster and run into the bathroom.

“You can’t be in here.” A snotty girl says.

“Shut up, my girlfriend’s in here.” They look at each other, roll their eyes, and leave. “Mady, please come out.” She opens the door and hands me the razor. She’s crying and holding her wrist. I fear the worst right now.

“I didn’t do it.” She tells me. I cry and hold her close.
