Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Don't Trust Her

Michael’s POV:

“Happy graduation, everyone!” I yell through Misty’s house. Misty, Kayla, and Mady run downstairs and hug me.

“Mikey, you’re finally here.” It’s nice having girls for friends.

“I wouldn’t be late for this. I need to get out of that place. Have you had any problems with Katherine?” I ask Mady.

“Nope, everything is great. She’s still her, but she leaves me alone. I never thought I would like being ignored.”

“You will never be ignored.” I swing her over my shoulder and she squeals. “Man, you’re loud.” I laugh.

“Put me down, Michael!” She laughs and I throw her down on the couch.

“Whoa, calm down there. My parents would appreciate it if you didn’t break the couch.” Misty laughs at us.

“Why are we friends with these two?” Kayla teases.

“Because you would be nothing without us.” I tell them and we know it’s true. They met Zach and Cameron through me.

“Shut up, you don’t know anything.” Mady smiles at me.

“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” She starts running and I chase her around outside. I catch her and see a cut on her wrist. “Just tell me the truth."

“The truth about what? Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that. Mady, what’s up with that?” I am so mad at her right now.

“It was the other day, it was nothing. I called my therapist right after I did it. Mikey, I promise you I won’t do it again. I can’t go through that. The hiding, the lying, the therapy. Mikey, it killed me to see you so upset.”

“I know it did and I believe you when you say you’re okay. Let’s get the girls and head for graduation. We’re finally done with school, Madeline Marx.” I drop the subject and focus on the positive.

“You might be, Michael Martinez, but I’m going to college. Not all of us can be big famous rock stars.” Allstar is about to be a huge band.

“A band with the world’s best drummer.” I say.

“You and your big ego better get in the car. If I miss this, you are both dead to me.” Kayla says and I don’t doubt that too much.

“We’re coming. We were out here waiting for you.” Mady starts choking from laughter. We get to the school and Katherine walks up to me.

“Hey, Mikey.” She kisses me on the cheek and bites her lip.

“No, I know that move. Katherine, stop it right now. I still love Mady. I thought you were over this!”

“Please, Katherine never moves on.” She flips her hair and walks over to Mady. She picks up a chair and I tackle her.

“What the hell was that?” Mady and I yell at the same time.

“Oh, my God, Katherine, you can’t do that!” Misty yells.

“You bitch!” Kayla yells. Zach and Cameron come running in and take over for me. The principal walks over and tells everyone but me, Katherine, and Mady to leave.

“Can you tell me what was going on here?” Katherine starts crying.

“I came over to say hi to Mady and Michael just attacked me. Then Mady started yelling at me and blaming me for her cutting.”

“That never happened!” I yell.

“She was about to hit me with that chair. After she tried to steal my boyfriend.” I have never seen Mady so mad.

“You may be graduating in a few hours, but you still go here. My office and now.” She walks off and we follow. I put Mady and the other side of me so Katherine can’t get her as easy. This will not end how Katherine wants it to.
