Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

High School Not-hearts?

Michael’s POV:

“Guys, I have important news!” I run into band practice, late as usual.

“Did you win a million bucks or something?” Zach laughs.

“No, even better than that!” I am so happy I met her.

“Wow, Zach, this must be really big. What’s up with you, Mikey?” Cameron sits up.

“I met a girl today. She just moved here from New York and I have the locker above her. She’s also in my third hour and has become friends with me, Misty, and Kayla.” I add for effect.

“Any friend of Kayla is good enough for me to accept. When do we get to meet her?” Zach asks.

“Not for a while. I want her to be comfortable here first. She met Katherine today and it sounds like they aren’t going to get along.”

“Does anyone get along with her?” Cameron asks, remembering what happened to Misty last year. Katherine beat her up really bad and only got a week of detention.

“No, well her followers, but that’s self explanatory. Katherine’s been on Mady all day and it sounds like she didn’t take a break. Poor Mady’s alone with Katherine in fifth hour. That really scares me.”

“You really like this girl. Look, ask her out, then you can protect her better.” Zach suggests.

“I’m not asking her out this early. Maybe in a few weeks or a month. I want her to know she belongs here.” I say and it sounds logical.

“Then wait until she’s comfy. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I waited to ask Misty out.” Cameron says.

“Yeah, but you don’t do that kind of thing.” Zach teases and we laugh. My phone rings at its Mady.

“Did you catch the reading for Literature?” She asks me.

“Yeah, but I forgot it. I didn’t write it down, so I forgot the pages. She’ll remind us again tomorrow. Relax, baby gurl, it’s not due for another two days.”

“Did you just call me baby girl?” She asks, laughing.

“I do that a lot, you get used to it I promise.” I assure her, laughing.

“I hope I do. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Mikey. I’ll try not to kick the locker.”

“That’s a good idea. If you do it too much they make you pay for it.”

“Yikes, I’m glad I found you then.” She hangs up.

“I’m glad I found you, too.” Zach and Cameron look at me. “What?” I ask them.

“We’ve never seen you like a girl so much, especially so soon after meeting her. Mikey, even if you date, most people don’t marry their high school sweetheart.” Zach tries to be logical.

“Oh, so you and Kayla won’t get married?”

“We may not, but I hope we do. Dude, I’ve only dated her for a year. Actually, a year next week. I should probably plan something.”

“Yeah, you should. Misty loved what I had planned yesterday.”

“Cameron the Romantic.” I joke.

“Well, we should really start practicing now. We do want to be good as a band.” Zach says and I take place at the drums.
