Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Big Mistake?

Michael’s POV:

“Mom, dad, she said yes!” I throw Mady’s hand in their face.

“Mom, dad, I said yes!” She yells to her parents. Our parents look at each other and shake their heads.

“You two are something else I swear.” Mr. Marx laughs.

“But we love each other.” Mady says and it’s easy to hear how much she means that. After everything we’ve gone through, we’re here.

“Don’t you think you’re both a little young?” My mom asks.

“Please don’t be reasonable right now. Maybe we are too young, but does it matter?” I ask. I just want to be happy with Mady.

“Yeah, please, Mrs. Martinez?”

“Fine, but don’t blame me if something happens.”

“I wouldn’t dare.” Mady says.

“I guess we have a wedding to help them plan then.” Misty walks up behind us with Kayla, Cameron, and Zach.

“No, we have to get ready for Mikey to tour.” Mady says and she's upset. I take her aside.

“Are you okay?” I whisper to her.

“No, Mikey, I’m not. You’re going on tour. You're leaving me alone.” She whispers back.

"I’m sorry I can’t be perfect.” I say, getting louder.

“You’re right, Mikey, you are so far from perfect!” She yells at me.

“You aren’t much better yourself, cutter.” I yell back and immediately regret it. She starts crying.

“You asshole!” She yells at me.

“I’m so sorry, Mady. It just slipped out.” She starts laughing.

“Look at us, Mikey. We haven’t been engaged for 10 minutes and we’re fighting like this.” I laugh, too.

“It’s a twist in my story.” I say and she smiles.

“Mine too. I’m letting your love through me, Mikey.” I kiss her.

“I guess we’ve really changed each other, haven’t we?” I ask her.

“Yeah, we have. You helped me through my cutting stage.”

“And you’ve taught me to be a man and never leave someone you love.”

“Alright you two, love fest over. It’s getting gross now.” Zach says and we laugh.

“Hey, you and Kayla will be like this one day. Maybe not with the fighting, but with the love for each other.”

“Yeah, if this goofball will ever tell me how he feels.” Kayla laughs.

“I’ve said that I love you before.” He protests.

“I know you have, Zach.” She kisses him and he blushes.

“Love fest.” Mady fake coughs and I hold her closer.

“One of the many reasons I love you.” I whisper to her.

“If we’re doing this, then I have to say that Cameron and I couldn’t be more in love.” Misty throws in and we look at her.

“That’s because you two are the most innocent people on the planet!” They look at each other and laugh.

“We are!” They both yell.

“Hey, Mikey, I think A Twist In My Story should be our first dance.” Mady looks up at me.

“I was just thinking that.” I tell her and she puts her head back on my shoulder. This is how life is supposed to be.

“You two have plenty of time to figure that stuff out. We have to get you both home for your parties. You can hang out with each other later. Misty, Kayla, do either of you need a ride home?” Mrs. Marx asks.

“No, we’re going with Zach and Cameron.” Misty says and they walk off.

“Bye, Mikey. I’ll see you later.” Mady and her parents walk off.

“Mom, we aren’t making a mistake.” I tell her as we walk out.
