Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Twist In My Story

Madeline’s POV:

“I’m getting married today!” I yell through the room the girls and I are in.

“We know! This is so exciting.” Misty squeals with me so Kayla joins in. Mrs. Martinez and my mom walk in at that moment.

“You girls are crazy.” Mrs. Martinez says.

“I think I went deaf.” My mom says and hugs me. “My baby girl is getting married.”

“Mom, I’m 19, I’m not your baby girl anymore.” I tell her quietly.

“No, you aren’t. You’re Mikey’s baby gurl.” She jokes through her tears and I hug her.

“Mom, I will always be your baby girl no matter what Mikey calls me.”

“Hey, stop making her cry. We just did her mascara and waterproof doesn’t mean that much. She’s going to do enough crying when she says her vows.” Kayla pulls us apart, then hugs me. Misty runs over and so does Mrs. Martinez.

“Mady, it’s time for them to go out there.” My dad is standing in the door.

“We’ll see you out there.” Mrs. Martinez squeezes my shoulder and walks out with my mom.

“Daddy, I’m really getting married.”

“Yes, you are.” Then it hits me.

“What if my marriage falls apart like you and moms?”

“Hey, it won’t. Your mother and I didn’t love each other the way you and Mikey love each other. I see how you two look at each other.”

“Thanks, dad.” He takes my hand and walks me down the aisle. Kayla and Misty squeal behind us the whole way up there.

“Be good to her, son.” He says to Mikey.

“I will, sir.” The whole wedding is amazing and I cry the whole time, just like Kayla said. Mikey and I take pictures and head for the reception.

“Look, it’s Mr. and Mrs. Martinez.” Zach yells when we step in the door.

“Mikey, we just got married. We’re married now!” It’s still sinking in that we just did this.

“Yeah, you okay?” He asks me.

“I am perfect.” I say as A Twist In My Story starts playing. “I am perfect.” I repeat and put my head on his shoulder.

“Good, because so am I. I will always protect you and be here for you, Madeline Martinez.” The words sound amazing coming out of his mouth.

“I know you will but I don’t think there’s anything you need to protect me from. The fans accept us, Katherine can’t come near us, and I am better.”

“The more you say it the more I believe it.” He kisses me and dips me down.

“So do I. At first I was unsure, but you make me feel loved and that is what I needed all along. You, Mikey, are the one thing that was missing in my life.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“Don’t say anything, Mikey. You don’t need to respond to that, you just need to know it’s true.” He kisses me again and that says all I need it too.

“Life’s perfect?” He asks, knowing me so well.

“Life is beyond perfect. This is our life.” The song ends and we go sit with our friends and family.
