Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

First Cut

Madeline’s POV:

It’s my second week of school and I walk in with Michael.

“Hey, Mady, would you wanna go get coffee or something tonight?”

“Like a date?” I ask him.

“Yeah, actually, I’m asking you on a date.” He looks so shy.

“Sure, Mikey, I would love to go on a date with you.”

“Cool. I’ll pick you up at 8. We can do an assignment if you want?” He says.

“No, let’s make it a date. No school related anything.” I say and grin. I run down the hall when I see Kayla and Misty. “Guess what just happened!”

“We have no idea.” Misty smiles.

“Mikey just asked me out and I said yes.” We scream.

“Girl, that is amazing.” Kayla says. “Now you can finally meet Zach and Cameron.”

“That makes me really happy.”

“Don’t be happy, you don’t want to meet them. They are both losers, especially that Cameron kid.” Katherine laughs in Misty’s face.

“Why does she hate me?” I ask. Every day in fifth hour she tells me that I’m stupid and useless. I haven’t told anyone yet.

“Hey, it’s not just you. She hates everyone.” Misty says.

“I swear she’s just picking on me now.”

“It’s because you’re new. Soon that’ll wear off and you’ll get something about once a week.” Kayla hugs me.

“What if it doesn’t? I don’t think I can do this.”

“It will, I promise.”

“Hey, Mady, be ready at 7. I’m taking you somewhere special.” Mikey sneaks up behind me.

“Sounds exciting. I can’t wait for it.” Kayla, Misty, and I walk to class.

“Sounds exciting.” I hear when I get in to fifth hour. “I can’t wait for it.”

“Katherine, why do you hate me?”

“Let me tell you something, newbie.” I wish she would quit calling me that. “Michael is mine and he’s only dating you because he wants to make me jealous. Tell him it isn’t working.”

“You dated Mikey?” I don’t believe it. I thought he was different than that.

“Yeah, I did. Then he broke up with me for whatever reason. It’s only a matter of time before he breaks up with you.”

“He won’t do that. I’m different than you.” I try to yell, but she’s digging her nails in my shoulder.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I dig in my backpack and find my nail file. I dig it in my wrist and it bleeds. What did I just do?

“May I have a band aid?” I ask my Psychology teacher.

“Sure. Ouch, what happened?” He asks.

“I scratched it on my binder.” He looks at me, then gives me the band aid and I go back to my seat. Katherine trips me and everyone laughs.

“Are you okay, Mady?” Mr. Ericson asks me.

“I’m fine, just clumsy.” I get up and walk to my desk, trying not to cry. This sucks. Class finally ends and I run to Michael.

“What happened to your wrist?” He asks me.

“Nothing, I just cut it on my desk. There was a staple or something.” I lie.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He kisses it and I smile. I can’t wait for our date.
