Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

Too Deep

Mady’s POV:

“Happy two month.” Mikey kisses me.

“Happy two month, Mikey.” We agreed not to do gifts because this isn’t a huge milestone for us.

“Are you feeling okay?” He has been asking me this a lot now.

“Yes, Mikey, I’m fine.” In reality, I’m cutting every day, sometimes more than once a day. Katherine is only getting stronger, but I can’t tell Mikey that.

“Okay, I’m just making sure.” He drops me off at my house and I go inside. I fall asleep and wake up to another sunny day.

“Are you ready for school again tomorrow?” Mom asks me.

“Is it already Sunday?”

“The Sunday of your winter break.” She tells me, smiling.

“Then I better go get some fresh air.” I walk outside and run into Katherine. Why is she here? She doesn’t live anywhere near me.

“Just the loser I was looking for.” She laughs and pushes me down. “No one to save you now.”

“Please just stop it.” I have no voice and she knows I’m weak against her.

“Listen to me good, newbie. Mikey is leading you on and he will always love me. I’m sorry you’re stupid enough to believe him. Everyone’s life would be better if you just died.” She kicks me and walks off. I go for the blade I always keep.

“Ahhhh! Help, owwww!” I yell. I’ve cut it too much this time. Blood stains the snow I'm in. I see Mikey start sprinting to me.

“What happened, Mady?”

“Kiss it all better? I don’t want to die yet.” I beg him as tears stream down my face. I’m going to die and Mikey’s going to have to watch it. He takes his shirt off and wraps it around my wrist.

“I’m afraid I can’t kiss this one.” He runs me to my house and puts me in my car. “Don’t die on me, Mady.” I pass out and wake up in a hospital bad.

“So I really did it?” I ask Mikey. He and my mom are crying.

“I am so sorry, Mady! I should have been there for you.” He’s crying more and I reach for him.

“No, Mikey, you didn’t know. It’s not your fault." I never told him anything.

“I knew, Mady, and I didn’t do anything! I believed you when you said it was nothing and I shouldn’t have.”

“We shouldn’t have ignored it either.” Misty and Kayla come in, with Zach and Cameron. I’ve met them a few times, but not much.

“Mady, you have to promise us all you’ll get help.” My mom says.

“I don’t need help, it was a stupid mistake.” I protest.

“Madeline, don’t. You’ve done this for a few months and I will not let my girlfriend die.” I can’t believe Mikey used my full name.

“Okay, I’ll get help and I’ll talk to you guys if anything bothers me.”

“Damn, she didn’t die yet.” Katherine walks in.

“Who let her in here?” Mikey stands up.

“Chill, I knew the whole time. I’ve been waiting to hear voices, but I was hoping she was dead.”

“Shut up! I’m tired of this! I will never love you, especially now. You tried to kill my girlfriend and that’s not how you win me. She’s my baby gurl now, so deal with it.” Katherine runs out of the room and I’m pretty sure she was crying.

“Thanks, Mikey, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mady. Forever.”
