Status: Madi's situation is something that happened to me, just not so extreme.

Just Kiss Me

A Different Side of Katherine

Michael’s POV:

I walk out of the room and see Katherine crying in a ball.

“Why are you so tough on Mady and yourself?” I ask her, angry for what she did.

“I’m tough on me because I lost you. I hate her because you love her. I know you’ll never come back to me and, honestly, I don’t blame you.” I almost feel bad for her.

“Katy, you never lost me, you just changed. I didn’t like the new you, but now you have lost me. You almost killed my girlfriend.”

“I know, Michael, and I feel terrible.”

“What made you so rude?” I want to know what ruined the innocent girl I once dated.

“You can call me a bitch, I know I am one. I don’t know why I changed, I just woke up one day and decided to be rude.”

“Well, maybe one day you’ll change.” I stand up and start to head back to Mady’s room.

“Mikey, I’m working on it.” I smile and walk off.

“Hey, Mady, are you feeling okay?”

“My wrists hurt.” She laughs.

“This isn’t funny! You could have killed yourself!” I yell.

“Calm down, she doesn’t need anything like that right now.” Misty tells me.

“No, he’s right. What if I had died?” She gets serious and I sit by her.

“It doesn’t matter because you’re here now. You’ll get help and we’ll be great like we were before.” I kiss her.

“I know we will. I just need to talk sometimes.”

“I will always listen.” I tell her.

“Good, then you can leave. Her father’s coming in soon and we will need to have a serious talk with her.” Mrs. Marx shoves us out of the room.

“You didn’t tell me he was coming!” I hear Mady yell.

“I wish we could help.” I say to Zach and Cameron.

“All you can do is be there.” Cameron tells me.

“I know and it sucks!” I go to punch the wall and Zach stops me.

“You need that hand. We’re playing a show next week. You do remember the gig, don’t you?” He asks me.

“Crap, I completely forgot!”

“You’ve had other stuff going on, it’s cool. We’ll practice tonight and be ready.”

“I can’t leave Mady alone.” She needs me right now.

“You can be apart for one night.” Zach won’t give up.

“Fine. Our first show and she won’t be able to see it.” That really upsets me. I know she would be excited.

“Or can she?” Kayla walks up to us. “We can sneak her out and take her to the show. It’s free so you won’t be sold out or anything.”

“Yeah, we can say we’re taking her for a walk around the building, then get her to the show!” Misty adds on.

“That's perfect! Zach, Cameron, don’t let these geniuses go.” I say.

“We won’t.” They both say and kiss the girls.

“And don’t you let Mady go, not yet.” Kayla gives me a look.

“I’m never letting her go. I really do love her.” I promise Kayla and Misty.

“Good, because we really don’t want to have to kill you.” Misty bounces off to get coffee.

“However you put up with her, Cam, I worship you. That’s the only time I’m saying that.” We laugh and head to our homes.

♠ ♠ ♠
Do you think she can change?