Status: In Progress

Write a List of Targets

Wretched and Divine

Ever since I saw Andy that first day, he's all I think about. I don't know whats happening. I've never felt this before, even with a girl. I think its love, but I can't be sure. Well whatever, I might be able to talk to him today. It's Friday, last day of school and I don't have to do anything. I think i'll try to talk to him during lunch. "ASHLEY! are you paying attention to me?" the teacher yelled.
"Uhhh, yeah sorry Ms. Brown." I said. I was in math class. one more period after this one and then lunch. suddenly I was feeling sick to my stomach.
"Then what is the answer to this problem?" she asked pointing to the board.
I looked up and sighed in relief. this was an easy one.
"The answer to that particular problem is 1,834 over 23" I said.
"that is.... correct. very well, here's a work sheet. finish every odd number and turn it in. If you need extra credit, I suggest you do EVERY problem." Ms. Brown said to the class before settling down at her desk with a book. Math sucks...
After math class I had Spanish. Why we are required to learn a new language in highschool, i couldn't tell you. all I know is that we do and if you refuse you get detention. I tried to sit in the very back this period. I learned that the teacher in Spanish ignores the kids in the back. Once I got settled I took out my Mp3 Player and started to play some Falling In Reverse. Ronnie is a good friend of mine. we met at an Escape the Fate concert and ever since then we've been pretty good friends. I decided to text him.

Ash: Hey man, can we talk?
Ronnie: aren't you in school right now?
Ash: yea, but I can't concentrate. I have a few thoughts that I need to tell someone and I could only think of you.
Ronnie: alright, shoot.
Ash: Alright, so there's this... new kid in school, and I think i'm developing feelings for them. I haven't been able to talk to them yet and I'm considering talking to them at lunch. any suggestions?
Ronnie: well, first, is this person a guy or a girl? you know I wont judge you.
Ash: yea I know you wont. It's a guy, and his name is Andy.
Ronnie: whats he like. i know you haven't talked to him yet but if i know you, you pretty much became a stalker the second you started getting feelings for him ;)
Ash: ... how do you know so much about me? whatever, anyway I've been watching him. he seems nice. he has this friend that seems cool. He likes the same music as me and he's a really good singer. he wrote one of his own songs too. He has a mom and a dad, no siblings and he is OBSESSED with batman.
Ronnie: well I know so much cuz you tell me shit without remembering it the next day. If i were you, the second i wake up i would check the convos from the night before. and I would start the conversation with him normally. talk about Batman or music near him and wait for him to come up to you. if he doesn't try to ask him what he thinks about something.
Ash: alright, thanks man. I need to go. class is over. bye
Ronnie: bye. good luck

I put my phone up and gathered my things and hurried out of the door before the teacher could see me. As I walked to lunch I thought about whether I should bring up Batman or music... probably Batman. He seems to really like him.
As I turned into the cafeteria I looked for Andy, Jake, and CC.
I found them over at the table furthest from where people normally sit. I walked over to him and said "Hey. I'm Ashley. I noticed that you just started school here."
"Uhh, yea. I'm Andy." he said looking at Jake and CC confusedly. CC looked like he was gonna say something. I looked at him with an evil stare. As soon as he saw it he shrugged. "Can I sit down?" I asked him.
"uhh, sure go ahead. I hope you don't mind talking about Batman." he said.
I sat down and said, "eh, it doesn't bother me. I don't know much but I did hear that they're coming out with a new Batman movie soon."
"yeah, I know. It's called The Dark Night Rises. That's what we were just talking about. We were thinking of going to see it when it comes out."
"Sounds fun. can I come?"
"Sure, but you have to pay for your own ticket. we only have enough for us. sorry"
"yeah that's fine." I said smiling. "Hey, do you maybe wanna hang after school? We can listen to music. Maybe we could even talk to a friend of mine."
"Uhhh, I actually made plans with someone for today. Maybe you could come with us." He said smiling back at me then looking over at CC.
CC's eyes got really wide and he started laughing and said he had to go.
"That was... yea" I said looking back at Andy who was blushing.
Jake started to text someone and looked up at Andy as soon as he finished. Andy's phone started to go off about five seconds later. That was when I realized Jake was texting Andy.
I watched them text back and forth for about three minutes, Andy getting redder with each text. Jake looked like he was trying really hard not to laugh at it.
Eventually Jake said "So yeah." and put his phone away as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
"Bye Andy, see you in 7th and 8th." I said, turning away just after I saw both him and Jake give me bewildered looks. probably because I noticed him in class. how could I not though? He's so cute.
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Hey guys, I'M SO SORRY! I've had so much going on for so long. Some of them good others really bad... I'm gonna try to update a LOT quicker and a lot more now. I hope you guys don't hate me now for not updating. Again, I'm sorry, and I'm not going to let it happen again.