Status: Completed.

Us At Best.

To Live In Love.

"I never believed in love. I knew people around me claimed to be, 'in love'. But in a world of billions of people how could you possibly find the person you're meant to be with forever? But...196 countries, 5 oceans and 7 billion people, I believe I found the one person I'm meant to be with. Cliche, I know. The same country, the same state, but Mike Fuentes saved me. You could say we were perfect for each other, the way we were. Loosing him was hell, back to square one, falling in love with self destruction. But when you love someone with all your heart, your soulmate. They could do the impossible to you, what you never expected of them, but you will find the will to go back to them. You'll find the will to forgive them. Even after convincing yourself that it's better you're not together, that's what I did. And that is why I believe you are the one, Mike. That's when I discovered what 'love' was. A force so strong that you can't even describe it. You're the only two people on the earth in your mind. You would die for them, do anything for them, even when you've never pictured yourself that way, but now it's a clear decision. Michael Christopher Fuentes, I love you with all of my heart. Now I know we can make it through anything. I promise you forever, and always." 

"I remember the first day I met her. They say no one is perfect, but in my eyes you are perfect. I asked you to go out with me and you said you didn't do dates, and by the looks of it, neither did I. Then, in that second I saw her as more than beauty. Safe to say, it scared me a little. I wasn't someone who felt like that towards a girl, towards anything. Neither of us knew what love was, we were foolish. But perfect. The way we'd stay together night after night, smoking, drinking and having no idea we were falling in love. I did something extremely wrong, not to long ago. Something I promised I'd always protect you from. I won't ever forgive myself, but I promised I'll spend my whole life making up for it. I'll never hurt you, ever. I never thought I would ever be in this position with anyone, ever, but that's clearly because that person had to be you. Thank you for waiting for me, forgiving me, putting up with me. I'll take care of you always, I'll commit for you forever, give you whatever want. Pandora, I love you more than anything, with all my heart, you changed me, you made feel and be something I thought I never would be. I'll be yours forever." 

I flickered my eyes open against the smooth sunlight peeping into the bedroom through the cracks of the blinds. I smiled at the thought of the dream, our wedding vows. It keeps replaying in my mind every night, probably because it really did feel like a dream. It was perfect. Mike surprised me by holding our ceremony on the last date of tour back home in San Diego. It was perfectly simple. Just our family, and the crew of course, on the stage overlooking the empty venue. It was dead silent and the stage lights were set dramatically, it looked beautiful to me. So now we had been happily married for almost an month now, but now my husbands gone again. I sighed slipping out of bed. They left for a tour of South East Asia around last week, I swear they never stop touring, but there's a valid reason why I couldn't go this time round. 

"Panda!" Sam exclaimed, appearing on the stairs up to his apartment. 
"You know I do know where your apartment is." I laughed. 
He just shrugged, approaching me quickly and picking me up bridal style, very gently. 
"Is this really necessary?" I giggled. 
"Of course. You haven't got no prince to look after you now girl." I love his ghetto talk. We made it to his apartment door and he set me down gently before unlocking the door.
"And you haven't got no princess to run around after you." I said ruffling his hair. Grace and Chlo had gone along on tour too because her and Tony wanted to take Daisy traveling, she also was working on her photography for the band. Grace worked as a designer so took the opportunity to design the whole new line of the guys merch, everyone loved it, she had to be there because she'd be documenting on it for work. So it was just me and Sam. It made it a little easier knowing I had him.
"Please I have to run after you and jellybean now." he said rubbing my not too swollen belly, that's my reason for staying home. The day after the 'wedding' I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't planned, but we couldn't be happier, we knew we wanted it to happen sooner or later. It made it harder for Mike to leave. But up to now Mike and Sam were the only two to know, although I was convinced Mike hadn't been able to refrain from telling Vic. Infact he was going to tell everyone today, but who knew the time difference over there. It's pretty much as if I was living with Sam again. He'd always be at my apartment or I'd always be here, he's so protective over me now I've got little one growing inside of me. He won't let me do the simplest of things and he likes to be with me most the time, but I'm really not complaining, I missed Mike like hell, and it was obvious he missed Grace. They'd never been apart until now.

I don't know how many movies we were into the Lord Of The Rings series, it couldn't be that far since these movies are so fucking long. They were Sam's personal obsession, just like Mikes love for Harry Potter. I had already fallen asleep cuddled into Sam's chest.
"I'm tired." I mumbled.
"Do you want me to take you home." I nodded sleepily. Sam grabbed his keys and picked me up gently, I didn't object. He carried me all the way to my car and drove home.
I managed the walk the rest of the way up to the apartment Sam close by my side. At least I didn't feel so tired anymore. 
"I'm starved." I moaned flopping down on the couch. Sam just laughed. He dealt with my moods and cravings, pretty well, at least they weren't so severe yet. 
"So your not tired anymore?" he laughed, I shook my head.
"A little, but I want food." I frowned, I was soon interrupted by my phone ringing, illuminating with Mike's picture. I answered it quickly.
"Oh my god Pandora congratulations! If the little one is a boy then he's going to be in a band! Or if she's a girl, she's still gonna be in a band!" I heard Jaime's excitedly down the line, I giggled. 
"Thank you Hime." I smiled.
"Preferably bass! And either way his or her hair will be like mine and his or her style will be fabulous! Oh, and he or she is going to-"
"Jaime you can stop saying he or she! Thank you!" I smiled.
"Okay well I'll see you in a couple of weeks, I love you Pandora! Oh!-"
He was soon cut off by Tony taking the phone.
"I can't believe you  would keep this from me!" he started acting hurt.
"I'm sorry Tone!"  
"But seriously, I'm happy for you. You're going to be amazing parents."
"You think?" I asked biting my lip.
"Absolutely! And Daisy's going to get a new best friend." I smiled.
The phone was passed around the rest of the group as they gave their congratulations and expressed their excitement, which just got me more excited. Then Mike was finally back on the line.
"Hey you." he said.
"Finally, I miss you." I breathed.
"I miss you too babe." 
"Where are you again?" I joked.
"Jarakata babe." he laughed.
"Well hurry, little one misses you." 
"I miss him too." he sighed.
"Him?" I smirked. He didn't answer me but I heard him laugh softy. We talked a little longer before saying goodbye resulting in everyone shouting goodbye into the phone. Then it was just me and Sam again.
"So I guess they know." he laughed. I nodded smiling widely. Mike had referred to our baby as 'him' a few times now, now whenever I picture him I see a tiny boy. That'll grow up being a daddies boy. Brought up musically by all his uncles, having a sister one day who he'll take care of.

"I'm still hungry." I moaned, slouching.
Sam started rummaging through the delivery leaflets before there was an excited knock on the door.
He went to open it swiftly and then in burst Mama and Papa Fuentes.
"Congratulations chica!" she cried hugging me gently.  
"Thank you Mama." I said, comforted by her touch.
"You make Michael so happy. You both make me so proud." she whispered caressing my cheek, with a tear in her eye. It made me tear up instantly. Papa walked over eagerly, laying his hand on my stomach.
"I'm so happy for you chica." he breathed. I laid my hand on his, biting my lip and nodding unable to say anything. Sam soon slipped behind me resting a supportive hand on my shoulder. We spent the rest of the night talking about the little one inside of, and luckily for my stomach enjoying the famous Fuentes dishes.

♠ ♠ ♠
I like and dislike this chapter at the same time, idk I feel like its a little boring? But I hope you like it. SERIOUSLY THOUGH, TELL ME WHEATHER OR NOT TO DO A SEQUEL!!!!! GIVE ME IDEAS!!! I'll probably post an authors note before the last chapter, LAST CHAPTER OMG:(