Status: May be slow for a while; will definitely pick up though! ^-^

You're My Infinity

Going Home

I’m not quite sure how it happened, or when for that matter –probably because I was woken up in the middle of the night- but as I glance up at the trees, I can see the sun is nearly directly above me. I’ve been walking for who knows how long, in the direction of what I hope is my house, and I don’t feel any closer than when I started this trek. With a small sigh, I close my eyes and sit down on the ground, letting my head fall between my knees.

It had been sometime during the night when I was woken by shaking to stare up into the startling silver eyes of Ronan’s mother. She had a hand over my mouth to keep me from making any noise, and wordlessly had led me outside to where Ronan wouldn’t be able to hear us speak. In hushed tones she had given me a choice. Somehow she must have known how badly I wanted to see my family at least one last time and at least say goodbye to them- especially with how things with my little sister, Annah, had been left off. In the end, it was close to dawn when I set out on this trek through the forest, and now it was nearly dawn and my stomach was growling.

Sure, I was used to skipping meals and not having anything to eat for a while, and my hungry stomach didn’t bother me so much. It was the damn sun beating down on my back. A little while ago, I had been forced to put my hair up in a bun because of that heat, and I could feel sweat rolling off me, even sitting in the shade as I was now.

Just the thought of it taking too long to find my family though had me standing up again and starting to walk through the forest. I didn’t know what Ronan’s mother was planning on doing, what she was planning on telling her son, but if he did know where I had gone off, I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be alone in this forest for long. These reasons coupled together were the reason for my brisk pace. I had to see my family, if only one last time because of what I seemed to be now, and Ronan wasn’t going to help me do that. He had made that much obvious.

Sighing softly, I wipe my forearm across the top of my head, and it comes away sticky with perspiration. Not even the trees can block out the heat the sun produces, not in the middle of summer. And around me, though it’s sickening to say, there are even mushrooms that are bigger than I am. In all my life I never imagined being smaller than a toadstool! Not even babies are born that small.

Then I come upon creek, and as I clamber up on some rocks, I see that I either have to swim or find another way across. Chewing on my lower lip, I glance down at my reflection in the water. Maybe I can take a small break now…get some water and try to figure out where I am the best I can before I head off… Giving a small shake of my head, I climb down onto the bottom-most rocks where the water laps around the stones and I crouch onto my knees, taking a handful of water and splashing in my face. ’That feels so good!’ The water is cool and clean, and as I take another handful and take a drink of it, I discover that it tastes good as well.

When I’m finished, I feel infinitely cooler than I had before, and I nearly sigh in content despite that I’m sitting on a sun basked rock. Already I can feel the heat evaporating the thin layer of water on my skin and beginning to get to me again, and I give a half-hearted glance in the creek’s direction, and then up at the sun. From what I know, the hottest part of the day is right now while the sun it directly up in the sky, and I remember being told to keep cool or in the shade during this part of the day. It’s not like I should keep going at the moment…
In the end, I decided against getting my clothes wet and laid them out on the rocks –it wasn’t as if anyone was around to see me, and besides, I was practically an inch tall. If anyone came by, they would think I was a bug if they saw me at all! So with my modesty intact, I had stripped my clothes off and gotten in the creek. The water was so slow moving that I barely even felt the pull of the current and easily worked against it.

If it weren’t for my clothes on the bank, I might even have let myself drift downstream. But instead I waded around, always close by to my clothes, and even dipped my head under water a few times so that my hair was wet as well. It plastered to my cheeks and around my shoulders in honey-golden strands, and after a little while with my shoulders tense, expecting something to happen at any moment, I finally allowed myself to relax and eventually my eyes even drifted closed.

I was near the rocks as I did this, in a spot where the current was at a minimal and I could simply sit there and let the water wash around me for a while. I haven’t actually had a bath or anything close to one since before the Midsummer’s Eve festival, haven’t really had time to pine over one either, but sitting in the cool water now reminds me of it, and I tell myself I need to at least scrub my skin before I get out and start walking again.

All of a sudden, there’s a splash from behind and almost immediately following are arms closing around my waist. The two actions are so close together that I didn’t have time to react, and my entire body stiffens with the instinct to pull away as I feel hands brush against my bare hips and warm breath at the back of my neck, near my ear. “I finally found you,” comes the murmuring voice, and its then that my mind finally catches up with the world around me and I realize its Ronan whose behind me. I feel heat creep into my flesh, inflaming my cheeks and likely turning me a bright red.

“H-h-how did you find me?” My voice is shaky, but hell, he’s just standing there with his arms around me while I’m standing butt-naked in a creek! Who does that?

“I have my ways…but…” Suddenly I’m being turned around to face him. He’s still fully clothed, thank goodness, though I wish I was as well. My first thought is to try and cover myself up but his hands cover mine before I can even contemplate moving them, and I feel the weight of his frown even though I have my head ducked down, refusing to look up out of embarrassment. “Why did you leave? My Emilee, where did you plan on going to?” There’s a certain amount of hurt in his voice that nearly makes me look at him.

Chewing on my lower lip, I feel awkward as I can practically feel his gaze burning into me, and finally I shake my head and pull away from him. “I am not having a conversation like this,” I finally say, looking at him for emphasis so that he’ll know I’m being serious. Why don’t you go in the forest a little ways and close your eyes until I tell you it’s okay to come back out?” I’m almost tempted to turn him around and give him a push in the right direction.

He simply looks at me with bemusement though as the crosses the small space I’ve managed to create between us, hands once more going to my hips as he all but pulls me against him. If I thought my face must have been red before, I don’t want to imagine what shade it’s turning now. “I’ll never let you out of my sight again, mea speciosa Emilee. Ego te simper in infinitum meum amo… please come back? We can talk about this later. If we don’t leave now though we won’t be back before it becomes dark, and you’ll catch a chill.”

Without a word, he leads me out of the creek and towards the rocks where I left my clothes. My face is still red, and I glance back to the other side of the creek, wishing I might have gone a bit further at least so maybe Ronan wouldn’t have caught up with me and I may have been able to fix things with my mom and Annah before I would completely join the Pharisee world. How was that for a regret?