Status: Completa!

Wife of a Fighter

I can't believe I wasted time doing my makeup and hair and everything for that damn Johnny Warren. Forget men, I'm done.

I sigh to myself as I stand by the punch table in my beautiful, black prom gown, the cup of punch tipping to my lips and my fingers curled around the glass. I hold it in front of me as I scan my eyes around the large banquet hall.

I watch in amusement as a guy about my age, dressed in his tux with his hair combed perfectly and a wide-eyed expression on his face, stumbles over some cords flowing from the stage. A giggle leaves my lips as he tries to compose himself, hoping that nobody saw.

Until he looks up, and our eyes lock. He sends me a smile so beautiful my heart stops, and for only a moment, I begin to reconsider my thought about being so done with men. I bite my lip and duck my head, keeping my gaze locked on him as he crosses the room.

No way, is he coming towards me?

"Hey, you," he calls softly as he comes up to me. He reaches his hand forward, a slight blush creeping up over his cheeks. "Dance with me?"

Oh, how things have changed since Prom Night.

This is an entry written for the Adult Obstacles Contest.
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