Status: A sixteen year old doctor has to live the life of an adult and a teenager--and its tough!

Doogie Howser, Kid Doctor

Chapter 8: I Mean--Not Terrorists...

"Terrorists?" The big, bearded man stomped his combat boot hard on the hospital floor. "We're not terrorists! We're prison runaways! We found this stuff at the mall and stole it on our way out! We ditched those jumpsuits altogether."

"Wait,'re NOT here to blow up the place?" McGuire asked, shakily.

"We're here to look for Marty."


"Our friend, Marty. He was supposed to runaway from that dumb police officer after sneaking into the bathroom stall."

McGuire glanced over at Spaulding and she shrugged. He shook his head, and his long layers of hair swayed back and forth. He looked back at the prisoners and asked with a scratchy, frightened tone in his voice, "Are--are you j-just trying to s-scare us?"

"Yeah." The man's voice was less gruff now and a little easier to listen to. "We aren't gonna hurt you if you tell us where Marty is. He is about this tall"--he put his hand about an inch above his head--"and this wide"--he stretched his arms far, far apart from his waist--"and he is bald as an eagle."

Dr. Canfield sighed and laughed a little, "You guys made a huge fuss over one of your friends?" He suddenly looked a little angrier, "Well, I don't respect men like you. I had one of my doctors call the cops on you and--"

"In this weather? Not a chance." The horrible man swiped his hand in the air angrily. "The phone lines are all messed up by now. I mean, look out the window, Doc."

Dr. Canfield turned around and his eyes widened. The trees were swaying all the one side and branch after branch flew through the air. Newspapers and store signs were flying past his view, and water soaked people rushed to their homes. Some power lines were even lying on their sides.

"This is the WEIRDEST day ever..." Dr. Canfield shook his head and looked back and the prisoner, hesitantly. "Now, sir...I have not seen your friend...but please have mercy on me and my hospital. We wish you no harm."

The terrorist-like man stepped a step closer to Canfield, "We won't hurt ya, Doc." He got right up in his face. His breath reeked, but Canfield tried to hide his disgust, "We'll be staying here until the sky clears up." His voice was now so scary that Canfield simply stood still, allowing the man and his group to take a seat in the waiting room.

"You guys can continue..." One of the men in black clothes said, "As long as you swear to keep quiet about us, we won't blow your brains out. Then once this storm clears up, we'll go and search for our friend. Capiche?"

Pretty much all the doctors and nurses repeated his last word and nodded, vigorously. These guys were strange, confusing people, but they were definitely not to be messed around with. Everyone agreed to obey their orders so they could keep their heads.