Anorexic Neighborhood

Anorexic Neighborhood*

I'm not sure how it all started, but by the age of fifteen I was weighing myself constantly, examining my curves more, and desperate to drop my weight of 108 pounds ASAP!

I remember in the middle of my Freshman year in high school I was reading up on Anorexia books from the library, looking for any hidden clues into how I could lose weight, never bothering to read the recovery sections. I was never painfully thin. Except maybe at the age of five, when my Grandmother was worried I was Bulimic. I remember sticking my fingers down my throat whenever I ate there, Just to feel that empty feeling I craved even then. I never thought much about that until now... and only later would this disorder rule my life, become my life, become me...
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Short intro~ I could've worked on it~ I don't care right now though. Only pasting from my old site~