Anorexic Neighborhood

Anorexic Neighborhood (part ten)

I woke up to water drops on my face. I moved slightly and heard my sister asking me if I was all right. I nodded lightly. "Yes Nicole I'm fine." My voice sounded far away, like I was speaking from another place. I lay there trembling. My sister helped me up, and out of the bathroom, practically carrying me the entire way. "I'm just tired, I'm soo tired." I said emotionless.

My sister led me on to my bedroom, where she helped me onto my bed pulling the blankets to my chin. I looked at her face, and noticed how solemn she looked. Her cheeks had tear stains and her eyes were red. I couldn't tell but it looked as though my sister was frightened. I then realized the whole house seemed dead quiet.

As if she could hear my thoughts, she explained how Mom took Jessica shopping with her. I sighed in relief. "Nikki, you can't tell Mom! Please don't. I'll do anything! I'll decorate your room, and you can wear any outfit of mine to school." I pleaded in desperation. She just walked out of my room. "Wait! What are you doing? Where are you going?" I called after her but she didn't reply.

I listened holding my breath, to be sure she wasn't calling anyone. Her and Jessica's Dad. My Mom. Or even worst the hospital. I listened for a sign, but only heard dishes clanking in the kitchen.

My brain was completely exhausted. I needed sleep. I closed my eyes, and sunk deeper into my bed.

I was


I saw images of Jenny and her diet coke

The bathroom scale


I saw my eyes

I saw the girl from the mall

She was getting further away from me

She became skinnier and skinner

Until she looked like a skeleton

her eyes were the same

big and haunted and full of warning

She was screaming something I couldn't hear

I tried getting closer but she just went further away

until I couldn't see her at all.

Then there was only black.

(to be continued)