Anorexic Neighborhood

Anorexic Neighborhood (part thirteen)

I woke up the next morning, feeling rested, and worlds better. I was getting ready for school, and didn't want my dramatic weight loss to be so obvious, so I opted for jeans, and a long knit sweater that wasn't clingy. I paired the outfit with flats, and wore my hair down in waves, instead of the usual updo. I had dark circles, so I tried my hardest in concealing them. I brought a flush to my cheeks with a rasbery blush only placing it on the apples, so my face would look fuller. It didn't help much. I really looked different, even younger.

When I arrived at school, I tried to go about it normally, trying to remain as positive as I'd always been. I felt like I was floating through the day really. I couldn't concentrate on any of the work, and found myself daydreaming through out my classes.

I met up with Jenny in the halll, and linked my arm through hers. She led me away to the girls room.

"How much weight have you lost!" She asked me in wide eyed curiousity. "I weigh 87 now!" I told her giddily. She frowned. "I'm so disgustingly fat! I weigh 92!" She whined dramatically. I looked at her closely. She was so thin. How could she think she was fat? I wondered. I was barely 5'2 and she was 5'5. I was fat1 not her!

"Jenny! You're like three inches taller than I am. You only weigh like six or seven pounds more. You're not fat!" I told her reassuringly. She looked at me hopeful. "Let's lose weight together! We'll calculate our bmi's during lunch hour, and go on really long walks every day after shool!" She decided happily.

I was happy I wasn't the only one with the eating issue. "We have to be careful around our sisters Jenny." I told her seriously. I explained my weekend and she listened attentively. "Okay." She nodded. "We'll be really careful."

Over the next few months we were inseperable. Kepping each-other in check. Looking back on that now, I realize how sad that seems. Jenny reached her low of 88 pounds. I remember us going to Denny's with our sisters, after the mall, and not eating a single thing. We would order diet cokes, and found some sort-of high in running to the bathroom to throw up our zero calorie drink, only to go back for refills, to do the same thing all over again...

Everything was about to get bad. Really bad. Things had to get worst before they coud get better right?

(to be continued)