Anorexic Neighborhood

Anorexic Neighborhood * (part six)

Veronica sped the whole way there. Heavy metal blairing in her car, as we drove down the gravel trail that would lead us to the bonfire party. We always had these kinds of parties. Half the time they were busted by the police, we were getting smarter in our locations though.

My stomach was empty and full of butterflies when we arrived. I could feel my hunger, but I wasn't craving anything, and felt strong enough to go without anything even though my legs were wobbly. I always got nervous at parties. There was bound to be some sense of drama, and I knew I couldn't handle any at the moment.

We got out of Veronica's car and started walking towards the fire. My eyes surveyed the scene and there was maybe no more than fifty or so people there. The fire wasn't huge but it was still a good fire. No kegs, only loads of beer, and some harder alchohol from those who felt like sharing.

I immediately saw Neil sitting by the fire, and what do ya know! There was Bobbie giving him some sort-of lap dance. It made me feel sick. Bobbie was always claiming that she was once a stripper when she lived in vegas, also that she had a baby out there somewhere, and she chose to give it up for adoption. I never could believe her stories. I mean she was only fifteen, a week or so younger than I was (although she was a Libra, and I was a boring Virgo) I couldn't imagine anyone hiring someone as young as she was to strip. She had some extra weight to deal with, but no actual sign of having a child.

Jenny looked at me. "Isn't that your boyfriend Ash?" I sighed. "Yes" "If he's lucky." I stormed my way up to him. "Neil!" "What are you even doing?" I screamed. "Hey!" "You came!" He exclaimed. I slapped him and he laughed. I gave Bobbie an icy stare, and she walked away to talk to some senior guys. I stared after her, hating her for being so promiscuous. "What was Bobbie doing giving you a lap dance neil?" "She's gross, and if she's the type of girl that makes you happy! Then maybe we shouldn't even bother!" I declared. I walked off leaving him with his mouth open, a confused drunken look on his face.

I went straight for the beer, bummed a cigarette from some guy. A marlboro, it wasn't menthol! "Thank-you!" I told him all animated. I drank the beer really fast and went straight for more. I felt confused and nauseous, but still I kept drinking. Soon enough I was feeling it. After one and a half beers only. Yay for miss pro drinker. I found Veronica sitting and telling a group of guys stories of how she was strictly lesbian.

"You are!" I asked her astonished. "Yep." She winked at me. "Your boyfriends an ass Ashley." "Come sit by me." She offered. I did and she explained more on her being a lesbian, and how many partners she had, and just a bunch of other things I soon stoped hearing. I was drinking vodka now, some older guy maybe in his twenties handed me. I started to feel dizzy, so I got up to put more wood pieces on the fire.

"She's hot." The guy that gave me the vodka was telling his friend Willie. I looked at them. "What?" I asked. "You're really hot." The older guy said. I ignored him and went back to where Veronica was sitting. I looked around. Where was eveerybody? Why did that guy think I was hot? Is it because I lost seven pounds? I pondered this for a while, while looking around to see if I could find Neil. I didn't see him. I didn't see Bobbie, or even Jenny. "Where's Jenny?" I asked Veronica. She shrugged. "I don't know. who cares. Come sit on my lap." She asked longingly. I looked at her dizzily. "I haven't seen her most of the night." I contined. "I wonder where she could've gone? My stomach dropped when I heard someone scream. "Oh my Gosh!" What if that's your sister?" I asked frantically.

"Help!" She screamed again and I recongnizeed the voice. It had to be Jenny. "Oh no!" "I'm going to see if I can find her, are you coming Veronica?" "No." She smirked. "She can take care of herself." I looked at her in disbelief. I ran as fast as I could and found Jenny completely clothesless. She was laying o someone's car, and I saw Kenny running back to the fire, on my way to help her. I stopped him. "What happened Kenny?" I asked him as seriously as I could manage. "Nothing. I was just helping her." He said too quiclkly. He scurried off, and I screamed for Veronica. "Veronica get over here now!" I yelled. She came running up and we went to help Jenny.