
I wonder

As me and Mr Logan got into school he took me to his classroom,
"Why don't you sit down Stone I need to talk to you" so I did. As I sat down he walked towards the classroom door and closed it, he then got a chair and sat infront of me,
"Um... Stone what do you think happened out there?" I looked at him with weepy eyes,
"I um... well um... I want to tell someone but no one will believe me so i'm just going to keep it to myself" I then looked at the floor just as a tear fell from my eye,
"Stone, look you need to tell me everyone wants to know I mean I won't tell them I promise it's just..." he put his hand on my face and gently my head rose to look at him,
"I need to know what happened look don't worry about anyone else just focus on me ok just me" he wiped the tear trail from were I had been crying and looked at me straight into my greeny blue eyes and as I looked into his deep dark brown eyes, I could hear the noises from the door of people screaming in. I thought of what happened in my head over and over again and that I had gone invisible in the toilets before lunch but then all of a sudden I couldn't hear anything and in my head all I could see was Mr Logan sitting there in front of me I couldn't blink or move my eyes then the voices came back and I could hear one particular voice, it was Onyx's but I could hear her screaming stuff like freak or weirdo she had turned into one of the many people in the school against me my own friend what else is going to happen? I sat wondering.