Status: active

You Would've Never Guessed

Chapter 1-New Faces and New Places

"What the hell!" I shouted. I was a 16 year old (seems more like a 50 year old) blonde that sat on the toilet reading yesterdays newspaper. I seem like an old fuck. Like,what 16 year old girl sits on a toilet and reads newspapers for a living? I stood up, placing the newspaper on the edge of the bathtub so I could wipe and pull up my pants. I walked downstairs to see my dad and his shitty ass girlfriend that I just hated so much.
"Hey pumpchkin" my dad said as I grabbed my bag.
"I told you not to call me that anymore!" and with that I walked out the house I was just going for a walk, but it ended up being more than that.
"W-Who are you?" I asked stuttering. I was inside a big house and I was laying on the couch with an ice pack on my head. The house was unfamiliar.
"Im Alex, you tripped over something yesterday and hit your head pretty hard."
"Oh," was all i could say. I was confused. How did I not remember what happened?
"I was going to take you home so your parents could take care of you, but I had no idea where you lived" he said.
"You could of just took my phone and called my dad you know?"
"I'm Alice, by the way," I said chuckling.
"Nice to know," he said, smiling widly.
"Well uh... I better get going home. Don't wanna worry my parents," I said, breaking the silence. I walked out the door before he could say anything. I hurriedly walked home. No, I didnt really care if my parents were worried, I just wanted to go home and think.
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Hey first chapter of my new story hope yall like it :D please leave some feedback