Status: active

You Would've Never Guessed

Chapter 2-Fights and bruises

"Where the hell have you been all night!" I hear my dads girlfriend, Stacey, right when I walk in.
"Out," I replied while walking up the stairs.
"Get your ass down here!" my dad yelled.
"Nah, I'm good," I said before slamming my bedroom door. I walked into the bathroom attached to my own room to see if I had any cuts or bruises, because apparently, I hit my head pretty hard. I heard my phone buzz, indicating someone was texting me. It was Alex. I quickly texted him back.
"Hi, how'd you get my number?"
He didn't reply until about five minutes later. "I took your phone and entered my number while you were sleeping ;)"
Wow, I wonder why he did that? Not that I minded, seeign as how he was pretty hot. I replied to his message, "Oh!"
"Yeah, hey um do you wanna do lunch today?"
"Sure! Let's go to the mini Starbucks at the end of my street at 12 ok?"
He said, "Ok," and that was the end of our conversation. I looked over at my clock. I only had half an hour to get around. I hurried to change. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a hot pink shirt. I grabbed my purse and coat and was out the door before anyone could notice me. I had to run down the street because I only had three minutes to get there. I ran into Starbucks and saw Alex sitting at a small table by the window. I went over to sit across from him.
"Hey," he said with a wide smile on his face. I returned it and we sat and had coffee and talked for a few hours. When it was time for me to leave, he stopped me. "Hey, do you think we can do this again sometime?" I nodded with a huge smile in response and started out the door, pulling my coat on.
I walked home with a lot of things on my mind, especially Alex. I kind of liked him. I wondered if he liked me back? When I walked in the front door, I called out, "Anyone home?" No answer. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the T.V. It was my favorite channel, the news channel. Gosh, I'm such an old fuck. Harry Styles was on today. Talking about his perfect little life, I guess. God, I hated that faggot.
It was about nine when I finally went upstairs to go to bed. What an eventful day.
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hey sorry it took so long to update. i actually had my friend type this up for me, though i wrote it. so thank you to her. hope you liked it