Here With You

Open your eyes, Let me inside

Chapter 3: Open your eyes, Let me inside

Danielle’s POV:

Once I started feeling better, I decided to go back to sound check. I got weird looks from all of the bands as I walked out of the dressing room and started down the hallway.

“Hey! Come here!” I turned around to Louie Malpeli from This Is All Now standing behind me.
“Hey.” A smile appeared on my face.
“Ooh it’s good to see you!” He pulled me in for a tight embrace.
“Yeah you too! You guys played one hell of a show last night.” I laughed. It was the first time I laughed all day.
“Thanks! Your boy is pretty good too.” He laughed. His laugh was contagious.
“Yeahh I guess.” I smiled.

We laughed all the way back to the stage. For some reason I was so comfortable around him. His bandmates Mike, Jordan, Tom & Okan walked with us to come watch the sound check. The fans had such high energy that the boys were feeding off of. The rest of the night was going well. This Is All Now was telling me that this was their hometown crowd and they were so excited to play. As soon as sound check and the meet and greet ended, Cameron came to find me. I stood in my spot on the side of the stage smiling while watching This Is All Now’s set.

“Feeling better babe?” Cam kissed my cheek.
“Yeah I think so.” I smiled.
“You’re so beautiful when you smile.” He kissed my cheek again.
“You’re so sexy when you play bass.” This time I went for his lips.

I felt the passion in his kiss and his hands crept to the small of my back.

“Babe not here!” I laughed
“Well then come with me!” He cackled as he grabbed my hand and left the stage.

I looked back to see Louie look at me leaving. His face look crushed.