Status: Hiatus




I was late for work. Again.

It really wasn't a big deal, though. I worked at a small photography agency. And when I say small, I mean like, there were only five photographers, it was actually a pretty big agency.

And of the five photographers? Me.

Yeah, that's right. I'm pretty badass with a camera, if I do say so myself.

So yeah, I wasn't going to worry my ass off about maybe losing my job for being twenty minutes late. I knew they couldn't replace me, and I knew they wouldn't even try that day. I had a huge photo shoot later that day. It was with some big boy band, I guess.

One Erection?

No, that didn't sound right.

One Direction.

That sounded right.

I groaned, and rolled myself out of bed. I didn't bother taking a shower, as I took one the night before. I put on a a plain white tank-top, with a hoodie over it, a pair of skinny jeans, my black-canvas TOMS, and a knit beanie. I put on a little mascara, and was soon out the door of my apartment.

As I finally made it outside, the cool October air hit my skin, and I walked as fast as I could. I had a car, but it didn't do me much good. The studio I worked at was a mere five blocks away. Besides, I lived in New York City, it was faster to walk.

I walked quickly, taking note of the people that surrounded me.

Those shoes totally don't look good with that top.

Why would you even wear those pants?

Ew, you need to take a sh-

My thoughts were cut off by my ringtone. I glanced at the caller-ID before answering.


Oh joy, my boss.

"Hey, James, sorry I'm late. My alarm didn't go off."

He chuckled, "It's fine, Liv. I called you earlier to tell you, we don't need you in for an hour later than originally planned. The boys you'll be working with today aren't even here yet. So yeah, see you in a half hour, alright?"

"Alright, I'm on my way there already, but I'll stop by Starbucks. I may be a little early though."

"Okay, see you then."

I ended the call, and sighed.

If I knew I didn't have to there for another half an hour, I could've made myself look decent.

I shrugged and kept walking. After a couple minutes, I was walking into my usual Starbucks.

My friend, Veronica, was working, "Hey, Liv, what can I get you? The usual?"

"Yes, pleaseeeee." I smiled

I waited as she made my latte. I noticed five boys in the corner of the room. I took them in, and didn't have much to complain about, to be completely honest. I turned my attention back to Veronica, as she handed me my drink. In exchange, I handed her a twenty dollar bill, "Keep the change."

"This is like a fifteen dollar tip though!"

"I don't care, you deserve it."

She rolled her eyes, but took the money anyway.

"Don't you need to be getting to work?" She asked me.

"James told me I could come in later than usual. I don't have to be there for about fifteen more minutes."

She smiled, "Okay, well I have a break right now. Want to just sit and talk for a few?"


We took our seats by a window with a good view of the people outside.

If you hadn't noticed by now, I had a thing for judging people.

"So, how have you been?" I asked.

For a few minutes, we just had a casual conversation. Then, I felt someone staring at me. You know, when you can practically feel someone's eyes on you.

"Um, Liv, some cute guy is walking over here." She whispered.

I turned around, and sure enough, one of the five guys from earlier was walking towards the table we sat at. He was wearing a flannel shirt, and he had light-brown, wavy hair. He was pretty cute, I suppose.

"Hey, can I have a moment to speak to your friend?" He asked Veronica.

"Sure." She giggled. She looked my way and winked. I rolled my eyes at her.

"So," I asked him, "Who are you, and what do you want to speak to me about?"

"Well, I'm Liam, and I just wanted the let you know, you're very gorgeous. And I was wondering, if maybe you'd like to hang out later?" The man Liam smirked.

"Oh, how I'd love to be your fuck buddy tonight, but, I can't. I have to work late."

"How did you- Never mind. I have to do something today, but here, just in case you change your mind. I'll be here for another week." He winked, and handed me a folded napkin.

I smiled up at him and rolled my eyes, "I have to go to work now. Nice to meet you, Liam."

"Nice to meet you, too- Wait, I never got you name."

"Dawson. Olivia Dawson." I stated, getting up from my seat.

"Nice to meet you, Olivia. I'll here from you?"

"Don't hold you breath."

I walked back out into the city. The rush of people overwhelmed me, and I practically ran to the studio. Once I was inside, I opened up the folded napkin I had put in my back pocket.

Liam Payne- 1-756-xxx-xxx ♥ ;) xx
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yeah, we'll see how this goes.

i'll revise later
