Status: Hiatus



"Liv! The guys are here!" James shouted at me from another room.

By "the guys," I assumed he meant the five boys I'd be working with. I found out that the band name was, in fact, One Direction. I was told the band itself consisted of five boys.

I walked into the room, keeping my eyes on my phone. I don't care what anyone says, Twitter is addicting.

I scrolled down my timeline, and ran right into someone. I fell to the ground with a thud.

"I'me sorry, babe." A familiar accent apologized above me.

I looked up from the ground, and saw no other than Liam.

"Olivia?" He asked, reaching out his hand to help me up.

"That's my name.," I smirked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a photo-shoot. What are you doing here?"

"Wait, are you in-" He cut me off.

"One Direction? Why yes, I am."

"Hm, well it seems that I'll be your photographer for the day. And may I just say, I think I'm going to have fun with this." I smiled wickedly.

His eyes widened. He was about to say something, but James beat him to it.

"Liv, you already met Liam? Well come over and meet the other guys."

I walked over, and he started again, "Liv, this is Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry. Guys, this is Olivia."

I smiled, "Hey, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, sweetie," Louis started, "Aren't you the girl Liam was gawking at at Starbucks earlier?"

I laughed, "I suppose. I mean, he came up to me and gave me his number."

"Sorry about him." Zayn said.

"It's fine, she's used to that." James cut in.

I rolled my eyes, "Go away, James. I've got it from here."

He mocked me, but left for his office anyway.

I looked back up to the boys.

"So, what's the plan for today, Olivia?" Niall asked with a smile.

I smiled back, "I'm not completely sure. I'm more spontaneous when it comes to taking pictures. I usually just do what feels right in the moment. Oh, and please, you can call me Liv or something. I don't really like Olivia, it makes me feel like I'm a little girl."

"Alright, well, Liv, do you want us to change or something?" Harry asked.

"No, why? What's wrong with what you're wearing?"

"Um, we're practically pajamas?" Zayn required.

"You guys look cute. I don't do fancy with the people I work with. I want you guys to be yourselves. And to do that, I'd like to know, what do you like to do?"

"Aw, guys, she said we're cute." Liam smirked.

"Shut it." I warned.

"I like eating." Niall blurted out.

I laughed, and replied, "Me too, my friend. I think we are going to get along very well."

He just smiled and wrapped his arms around me. It didn't bother me, and I hugged back.

When we let go, Harry said, "We all like playing video games."

I got out my phone, and started to call my friend, Katie.

"What are you doing?" Zayn asked, and I motioned for him to hold on.

"Hey, Liv." She answered.

"Hey, Katie. Could you bring me some video games from my place? And two large pizzas and pretty much everything from McDonalds' menu?" I asked hopefully.

"Why?" She asked suspiciously.

I smirked, "You'll see when you get here. Love you."

"Love you too."

I smiled to myself after we hung up. Even though I didn't really who was in One Direction before today, I knew Katie was a huge fan of them. I had even heard a couple of their songs because of her.

"Did you just tell someone to bring us food?" Niall asked with wide eyes.

I chuckled, "Yeah, I did."

"I love you!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, and told the boys they could do whatever they wanted until Katie got there. Most of the boys walked towards the lounge, probably to sit down and talk or something. I went back to my Twitter feed, and scrolled through the post I had already read. I was lost in reading something humorous, when someone put their arm around me, scaring me. I looked up to see Liam.

"Follow for follow?" He winked.

"Maybe later. I don't know, though. I usually don't follow guys who try to pick me up at Starbucks."

"Whatever. And, Livi, I think today is going to be quite fun."

"Don't get your hopes up, Payne. I don't think I'm the kind of girl you think I am."

"Or do I?"
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah yeah. this'll pick up soon i promise
