Status: Hiatus



Eventually, Katie arrived with the video games and food.

"So, Olivia Jade Dawson, are you going to tell me why you wanted all this fucking foo- Holy fuck is that One Direction?" She gazed in shock at the five boys sitting in the lounge.

I grinned at her, "Yep, now aren't you happy I asked you to get the stuff for me?"

"Yes, yes! Oh my god yes! Please tell me this isn't a dream."

"It's not, I promise."
"So that's really Niall? Oh dear lord baby Jesus look at him he's an angel I swear look at his baby face-"

I cut her off from her rambling, "Okay, I get it. Now come on, let me introduce you."

I swear, she looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

"Hey, guys. I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Katie. Katie, this is Zayn, Harry, Liam, Louis, and last but not least, Niall."

"It's so awesome to meet you guys." She smiled, shockingly calm.

Niall then replied sweetly, "It's nice to meet you too, love. Are you a fan?"

"Oh, I know a few-"

"She's practically obsessed with you guys!" I laughed, "She have posters of you guys all over her apartment, she owns like every song you've ever sang, she even have a cardbo-"

"That's enough, Olivia Jade."

"Oh, she's used your middle name! Someone's in trouble." Liam winked

I swear, he had a winking problem or some shit, "No I'm not, now shut up- Ow! Katie! Why did you hit me?"

"Because, you're embarrassing me!"

"Don't be embarrassed, sweetie," Niall stated, "It's cute, like you."

I looked over to Katie, and she was blushing multiple shades of red.

"So," I glanced at all the boys, "How about we get this show on the road."

Harry beamed, "Let's do it!"


For the next few hours, I just took pictures of the guys having fun. Katie had to leave about an hour into the shoot, but not without getting the guys' numbers first.

I had to admit, they were all pretty cool guys. Even Liam, to an extent.

"Alright. I think that's enough photos for today."

"Thank god. I was getting so bored!" Louis complained.

I playfully shoved him, "Get over it, Tomlinson."

"I'm hungry!"

"Niall, you just ate a whole meal not even a half an hour ago."

"I know, but I'm like a bottomless pit!"

"Okay, fine. How about, after what's his face- Paul, is it?- gets here and sees the photos, we can all get dinner. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah," He simpered, "But we can't really go out to eat without getting mobbed by fans."

"It's fine, we can get takeout and eat at my place."

The guys all agreed to my plan.

Liam came over and put his arm around my shoulder, "So, our first day meeting and you're already taking me to your place. I think I like where this is going."

I removed his arm, and glared at him, "You need to stop this, Liam. You honestly don't want to get involved with me."

And I was telling the truth. I always hurt guys. Always. I thrived off of it, and I didn't know why. I didn't want to hurt Liam. Mostly because I genuinely like him and the rest of the lads. I couldn't let any of them like me like that.

Liam continued to pester me, and before long, Paul arrived.

I showed him all the picture, the rest of the guys surrounding us, and he complimented me on my work.

"Thank you so much, sir."

"No, thank you! These are great. And please, call me Paul." He said, offering a large smile.

"Well thank you for the opportunity, Paul."

He told me it was no problem at all, and then told the boys it was time to leave.

"Actually, Livi, here, said that we could have dinner at her place." Liam told him.

"Well," I stated, "You are still welcomed to come, but I walked here, so it probably isn't the smartest idea for you to directly come with me to my house. You may want to get a ride there."

"Nonsense!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah, we have hats and sunglasses to partially hide our identities." Zayn smiled.

"And so it's settled," Louis put his arm around me, "We are walking with you. Paul, we'll call you when we need someone to pick us up, okay?"

He sighed, "Alright."

And with that, we were off.


After the five block walk to my apartment, I was honestly surprised that the boys didn't get stopped once. And we even stopped to get food! Yet no one recognized them.

When we finally stepped into my place, I was relieved to see that it wasn't a total mess.

We ate, talked, and joked around. After getting to know each other a bit, Liam excused himself to make a phone call, and Zayn brought me into my small kitchen.

"What's up, Malik?"

"Listen, I know Liam is flirting with you and all, but don't fall for it, alright? He's trouble. I mean, he's one of my best friends, but we all really like you and we don't want to see you get hurt. He's a player."

That made my eyes light up, "He's a player, you say?"

He looked at me with concern in his eyes, "Yeah, he is."

"Well, I think I can have some fun with this."


But I didn't get to answer, because then Liam walked in, "Hey, Zayn, there's a car waiting for us."

He nodded and hugged me before leaving the room. I went out to see the rest of the boys gathering their things, "Bye guys. It was nice meeting you guys. We have to hang out again before you guys leave, okay?"

They all nodded and hugged me goodnight and left for the car one by one. I purposefully left Liam for last.

When it was just me and Liam left, I asked, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Um," He replied, "I think I'm free, why?"

"Meet me for lunch. I'll text you the details of the place, but I promise you won't get mobbed by fans. But I have a proposition."

He just smirked and nodded, "See you tomorrow, then, Olivia Jade."

"Don't call me that." I warned.

He chuckled and walked out of my apartment. I waited a few minutes, just standing there, and then I decided to check my Twitter. I grabbed my iPhone, and noticed over 100 people had followed me! I was shocked, to say the least. And then I noticed something.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @LivJadeDawson hey babe, i found your twitter. follow back? xx
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah yeah, i haven't revised yet oops.

so katie is actually a friend of mine and she's going to have some romance in hurr c;

this will start to pick up in the next few chapter i promise omg

can we just:



