Status: Hiatus



He hesitated for a moment, before a devilish smile appeared on his face, "I'm in."

"Great, now do you want something?"

"I'll just take what you're having."

I chuckled, "Alrighty, then."

I noticed Joshua a few feet away, cleaning a table, "Hey, Josh, get Liam here a shake, too, please."

"It'll be my pleasure." He smiled before walking off.

We were both silent for a bit, not an uncomfortable silence, though. Joshua brought Liam his milkshake, and Liam finally said something.

"So, how exactly is this going to work?"

"Well, since I just told everyone on Twitter we aren't dating, we have to wait a few days. We can start tweeting, and you can tweet about how great I am and shit. And then we can get caught holding hands and stupid stuff like that. And after a few days, we get caught kissing and then you "ask me out" and then announce it on Twitter. And then the games begin."

He smirked, "Alright, but do we tell our friends?"

I thought about this for a second. I mean, I don't want everyone to know, and I definitely couldn't tell Katie.

"We tell one friend each. That way, not a lot of people know, but if we ever need to rant about it or some shit, we have someone to talk to."

He nodded.

"So," I asked, "Who are you going to tell?"

"Probably Zayn. How about you?"

I just called Joshua over, "Hey, me and Liam are going to start pretend dating. Like, we're not going to actually be dating, but we want to see who falls in love first. Don't tell anyone, okay?"

He laughed at me, and then turned to Liam, "You're going to have your hands full, bro."

Liam just chuckled, "Yeah, well, I just want to see her lose."

"Puh-leeze! You are so going to lose!"

Liam and I kept bickering, and I could see Joshua back away slowly from the corner of my eyes. Eventually, we stopped arguing and ordered actually food. Liam ordered a burger and fries, whereas I only ordered fries. Liam and I talked about random things, like how I was allergic to cats, and how he didn't like spoons. Eventually, Josh brought us our food. Knowing me, he put a huge thing of ketchup on my plate for my fries. I started eating right away, when Liam said, "Liv?"

I looked up, and he snapped a picture of me with his phone.

"What was that for?" I whined.

"Check Twitter."

I glared at him, but took out my phone anyway.

@Real_Liam_Payne: Look at this cutie I get to hang out with today xx

I frowned up at him, "Damn you."

I quickly replied.

@LivJadeDawson: @Real_Liam_Payne you suck. Why would you even post that? I look so gross xc

He was about to say something, but his phone rang.

"It's Paul, so I have to get it. I'll be right back, okay?"

I just nodded, and he left to take the call. I went back to Twitter, and looked at some of the replies of the photo Liam posted. Some were actually quite nice.

@narry4life: @Real_Liam_Payne aw she's so cute! is she your gf?

@mrsmalik2634: @Real_Liam_Payne she's so pretty!!

@niallwhoran: @Real_Liam_Payne it's official! I ship you and @LivJadeDawson xo

Others weren't so nice.

@ilove1d98: @Real_Liam_Payne She's so ugly!!

@d1r3ct10n3r4l1f3: @Real_Liam_Payne: Ew! You could do so much better than her!"

I really didn't care what others thought of me, so their words just flew over my shoulder. I thought I'd have some fun with it, though.

@LivJadeDawson: haha! so many people saying i'm not good enough for liam, yet i'm here eating lunch with him, and they're behind a screen hating. xx

That oughta get people going!

Liam returned, a devious look on his face.

"What?" I asked immediately.

"Well," He smirked, "It seems that Paul liked your pictures so much, that he wants to hire you to come take pictures of us on tour. He talked to you boss, and he's okay with it. What do you say?"

"I say this just keeps getting better."

"Yeah, I can't wait for you to fall in love with me."

"I think you're a bit mixed up, you're going to fall in love with me." I winked at him.

"In your dreams!"

I laughed at him, and asked, "When do we leave, anyway?"

"Six days. We'll be touring around America."



Things got quiet for a bit while we finished our food. We got up to pay, and as I was about to hand Joshua my debit card Liam grabbed my hand, and handed Josh his. When everything was paid for, he let go of my hand, and I asked, "Why'd you do that?"

"The lady isn't supposed to pay."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Well, I'll see you later, I guess?"

He ignored me, and asked, "Did you walk here?"

"Um, yeah, why?"

He smiled, "Let me drive you home."


"Because," He answered, "I'd feel bad if I made you walk home by yourself, especially in those heels."

I rolled mt eyes at him again, but let him lead me to his car.

I told him where to go, and when we got there, he insisted walking me up to my apartment.

When we finally reached my place, I turned to him, "Thanks for lunch, I had a nice time."

"No, thank you," He winked, "Now what are you up to for the rest of the day?"

"Um, I'll probably go shopping in a few, to get some things for tour and shit."

"Can I go with you?"

I laughed at his eagerness, "I suppose. Why are you insisting on doing everything with me?"

"Well, the fangirls can get crazy."

I gave him a confused look, and he just pointed towards my phone. I assumed he meant Twitter, and sure enough, I was getting a ton of hate. Two tweets on my timeline stood out to me, though.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @LivJadeDawson shut up! you look gorgeous!

@Real_Liam_Payne: to everyone hating on Liv, you all don't even know her. she's a great person! and she's not ugly, she actually really pretty!

I looked up to him, about to thank him, when my phone went off from another Twitter notification.

@Real_Liam_Payne: So excited to spend the day with my beautiful friend, @LivJadeDawson xx
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hiiii yeah sorry this took a while to update, i was out of town.

my trimester just ended today, so all new classes tomorrow. hopefully they're all easy and i won't have much homework so i can update more.
