Status: Hiatus



"Thank you." I finally told him.

"No problem," He replied, "But please change before we go shopping. Those shoes are hurting my feet."

"Baby." I muttered before nodding and heading to my room to change. I grabbed a pair of graffiti leggings, a bandeau, and a plain black cardigan. I changed the case on my phone, and put on a different necklace and ring. I pulled on a pair of green boots, and I was soon back out with Liam.

I guess my outfit looked good, because his jaw hit the floor.

"Like it?" I winked.

My voice seemed to snap him out of it, and he replied, "Uh, yeah. Let's go."

He held out his hand, and I took it. We walked to the car, and he opened the passenger's door for me. I faked gasped, "Liam Payne being a gentleman? What is this?"

He faked laughed, "Very funny."

"I try."

Once he got into the driver's seat, he asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"The local mall is fine. I'll tell you how to get there."

He nodded, and I told him the directions. It didn't take very long to get there, and before long, we were inside the mall.

"I want to go to Forever 21 first."


He grabbed my hand, and I lead him the way there. Once in the store, he tried to help me choose some outfits. Every time I would try one on, he'd tell me that it looked great on me and that I should get it.

Every outfit.

Once I had everything I wanted, Liam insisted that he pay for me. I figured that there was no use in fighting, so I just let him do that. It went like that in American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic, and dELiA's, too.

"I'm hungry." He complained after a few hours at the mall.

"We can get something at the food court."

He nodded, "Alright. Do they have McDonalds?"

"Yes," I chuckled, "They have McDonalds."


I lead him to the food court, and you guessed it, he insisted on paying for my food too.

When it was our turn to order, he said to the cashier, a teenage girl who couldn't have been older than seventeen, "I'd like Big Mac and large fries, and this pretty lady would like medium fries with a water."

The girl replied, "Are you sure she doesn't want a large? She looks like she could use it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"She looks like she's anorexic."

"Don't say that about her." He stated, raising his voice and taking his sunglasses off.

Her eyes widened, "A-Aren't you Liam Payne?"

"Yes, I am, Now I'd appreciate if you got our food without another comment so I can pay you and leave."

She just nodded and got our food. He payed, and we walked to a seat in the corner of the place.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded, even though I knew I wasn't. I usually didn't let negative comments get to me. Like, call me fat, and it wouldn't bother me, but being called too skinny was something that was very touchy to me. Within seconds, tears were welling in my eyes.

"It's okay to cry," He hugged me, "Get it off your chest."

I wasn't going to cry, so I sucked it up, but I found myself telling him the story anyway.

"I used to be really skinny. Like, scary skinny. When I was fifteen my parents took me to the doctor because of it, and they put me on these pills that were supposed to make me gain weight. They didn't work, and the doctor told me there wasn't anything they could do. I tried to gain weight, but I couldn't. I was at the point where I was eating about five thousand calories a day, but I still got no where. Eating all the junk to gain weight caused me to get really sick, and I had to be put into the hospital. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder. I was in the hospital for like, two months, and I lost a lot of my friends because of it. When I was seventeen, though, I finally got curves. Not Kim Kardashian curves, but it was something. The curves came with boobs and a nice butt, so I was happy. But like, whenever someone calls me really skinny, I still get really self-conscious and shit. But it's whatever."

He just nodded before saying, "If it helps, I think your body is bangin'."

I just laughed, and we ate our food in silence. After a while, my phone went off, indicating a new direct tweet towards me from someone I follow.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @LivJadeDawson is gorgeous and no one can tell me otherwise! xx
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oops yeah hi i haven't updated in like a week

if it helps though some of my others haven't been updated in like three months
