Status: Completed.



Jordin got out of her car. She hardly got any sleep the night before, having spent the whole night thinking about Cameron. But the thought of facing Zack again hadn't slipped her mind. She knew he would be around at the studio, and she would do her best to avoid him.

"Hey," A voice pulled her to look to her left, Zack quickly approaching her. She groaned.

"Zack... I," She started.

"You left without a word," He breathed, "I was thinking we had something going, Jordin. I really like you, and I'm sorry that I'm not your imaginary boyfriend, but I could be so much more," He said.

"Zack, this isn't a good idea," She said softly, "Me and you just aren't... We work together, okay?"

"That doesn't matter, Jordin. I'm in a fucking band, not the CEO of a corporation. We don't have rules here, okay?"

She sighed again, running a hand through her hair, "I can't, Zack."

Zack took a step forward, his hand wrapping around her forearm as he pulled her close, his other hand going behind her neck. He pressed his lips against hers. She froze at the feel of cool snakebites against her lips, having no control of her body. Before he could deepen the kiss Jordin pulled away and remained still for a moment staring at Zack with disbelief, "I don't give up that easily, Jordin. I like a fight."


Brian walked into the studio, a newfound pride in him. He held his head high as he walked passed Zack, ignoring the looks he was receiving, and straight to the part of the studio he would find Jordin.

According to Jimmy, Jordin had an awkward run in with Zack in the morning. She was doing her best to avoid him as much as possible, having retreated to the back room by herself. Jimmy had explained to him everything that Leana had told him. Brian was glad to hear that Jordin rejected Zack's charms, but was afraid she'd reject him too.

She was sitting against the wall, her feet outstretched with a notebook in front of her. She was taking down notes quickly, and Brian smiled at how cute she looked with her glasses on and her hair up in a messy bun, "Hey," He smiled and she looked up at him.

She was generally shocked to see Brian in front of her. She had expected no one to bother her, seeing as she hadn't spoken a word to anyone the entire morning. She was hoping Zack hadn't told anyone about their weekend, or how it ended. She was embarrassed by the entire situation and didn't want the guys to think she was trying to weave her way into Zack's personal life.

"Hey," She smiled back, genuinely happy to have the mysterious guitarist approach her, "How are you this morning?" She asked politely.

"I'm great. I see you're busy studying away. What are you reading?" He questioned, peering down in her lap at the open book.

"Music business in theory," She shrugged, "A lot of legal stuff regarding music business. Not very many pictures here," She chuckled, pointing to the black and white text on the page. He let out a laugh.

"So, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. I just don't understand new people very well. And I want to make it up to you."

"You don't have to, Brian. I understand," She smiled, appreciating the gesture. She felt bad that he was worried about her feelings, when she didn't mind at all. She understood why Brian would be wary of her.

"Well, more so to get to know you," He added, "Everyone else seems to know you and I'm kind of in the dark. So what I'm trying to see is if you want to maybe hang out tomorrow night?" He asked.

Jordin bit her lip. She was still shaken up from her experience with Zack, and she was hoping this wasn't another date she would be unaware of.

"I promise it's not a date," He chuckled, seeing how uncomfortable she was, "Very casual dinner. I'll meet you so it's not like I'm picking you up or anything," He offered.

She sighed, thinking about it. She did know the other guys pretty well. They were all nice and friendly to her in the studio. Brian was the only one who was silent around her. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't interested in what he had to say. She was genuinely curious about the mysterious guitarist.

"Yeah, that sounds good," She assured.

"Great. There's a small place down the street from my house we could go. Do you like sushi?" He asked and her eyes lit up. He already knew the answer. Sushi was Jordin's absolute favorite and it was something she mentioned to him within the first weeks they spoke.

"I love sushi! It's my favorite!" She exclaimed and he chuckled.

"Great. It's called Tuna Town. I'll text you the address and we can meet up at seven?" He questioned and she nodded eagerly, genuinely excited to get to know Brian better, "So I'll let you get back to your studying. I don't want to distract you. See you later," He smiled before leaving the room and she waved.

Brian felt relieved. Jordin had a spark in her eye he didn't miss. He knew she was interested in getting to know him. He knew it was to get to know him, and not in a romantic way, but it was a start. As long as he played his cards right, he was a step ahead of Zack.

"Well, well, well. I don't think you're little girlfriend would approve of your date with Jordin," Zack's voice met him as soon as he left the room where Jordin was occupied. He turned around, glaring at the guitarist.

"Fuck off, Baker," Brian growled and Zack actually felt surprised. Brian was the calmest out of all of them, and never got worked up over much. He had really done a number to make Brian so angry.

"Put the claws away, Brian," Zack smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, "You can't win."

"She's not a prize," Brian rolled his eyes, "And I'm getting to know her. I have every right to."

"You want a little more than that. But just so you know, she's a great kisser," Zack winked and Brian could feel his hands curl into tight fists. Zack had kissed her before he got a chance to, and that hurt him. Still, Zack moved too fast for Jordin. Brian knew he was still at an advantage.

"Whatever, Zack. You're such a douche," Brian scoffed before walking off.

Zack could feel the blood start to boil in him. He was worried. He didn't think Brian would actually step up to the plate, and he did. If Jordin had fallen in love with him once, then he could certainly make her do it again. He needed to beat him to it.

Zack knew Brian was his friend. His best friend, even. But he was sick of always being put behind him. Brian got all the solos and all the recognition. No one asked him questions in interviews. Brian always got promoted through press, while Zack stood back. Brian got his own set on tour, giving him a full fifteen minutes of soloing for the fans.

It was his turn, now.


"Hey, Girl!" Leana shouted from across the cafe. Jordin had agreed to meet her for lunch since things were slow at the studio.

Leana disliked the way the others regarded Jordin. They didn't see her fitting in with the rest of the group. Jordin didn't wear designers and she was a lot younger. She didn't have a stable life yet and the girls thought she was below them. Leana, however, saw Jordin as someone she could relate to.

"Hey!" Jordin sat down at the table and looked over the menu.

"So what's new? Have you run into Baker," Leana almost spat his name out, and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Yeah," She mumbled, "It was awkward... He kissed me." Jordin confessed and Leana sighed.

"He's a player, Jordin. I don't know if you're interested in him, but it's not safe. Besides, I don't know why he spent the weekend with you when he should have been with Gena."

"Yeah, you never did finish telling me what was going on." She remembered, a little confused.

"Yeah," Leana sang, "They're still married and actually trying to talk things through. Zack just has a tendency to not play faithful in his relationship."

Jordin felt the fire burn within her. Zack had kissed her just hours ago. She knew he was still married, but Leana didn't explain to her that they were still working things out. Although she didn't have feelings for Zack, it still upset her that he would do such a thing.

"What a dick," Jordin scoffed and Leana's eyes went wide. She never expected that kind of language to come from the girl.

"Did he do anything else?" Leana asked.

"No he just kissed me," Jordin confessed, "I pushed him away, but still. And he told me he was going to fight for me after I told him I thought us dating was a bad idea."

"You're right," Leana warned, "It's not that he's your boss. It's not that at all. It's just not a good idea because Zack won't stick around for long. He'll say he loves you, treats you like a princess, then he'll get bored. I think the only reason he married Gena was because everyone else was getting married. He doesn't like being the odd one out," Leana explained.

Jordin understood. No matter what Zack would say to her, she wasn't going to give in, "And what about Brian? He has a girlfriend right?"

Leana paused, remembering exactly what Jimmy told her, "Yeah. They're on a rough patch apparently. I think it's why Brian doesn't bring her around. Why?"

"I'm going to dinner with him tomorrow. He feels bad that we kind of got off on the wrong foot. He's really distant with me. It's just to get to know each other better, but after what happened with Zack..." She trailed off.

"Oh don't worry about Brian," Leana assured, "He'd never do such a thing. If it's a dinner to get to know you, then it's a dinner to get to know you. He means what he says. He's not like Zack at all. Brian's one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet," She exclaimed and Jordin nodded.

She actually felt kind of excited to meet Brian for dinner. There was a mystery to him she wanted to discover, and she was glad he was willing to let her.