Status: Hey! So this is a story i posted on under my username: LittlePurpleDress2 :) Hope you like

The Nixie

Chapter 1-Hopeless


"Elena? Elena Gilbert?" Alaric was trying to get my attention from the front of the class but I just hadn't been able to concentrate lately, he was gone. Who knows for how long? And we had no idea what to do.
"Sorry Mr Saltzman" He turned his head with one last sympathetic look.
But I didn't want sympathy, what I wanted seemed almost impossible to get. Stefan.
I honestly didn't know how to feel.

Angry that Stefan would even consider going with Klaus.
Happy that Damon was alive.
Depressed because for once in my life I was happy and now that's all gone.
Confused because neither me nor Damon had mentioned that kiss.

I was basically a whirlwind of emotion and soon enough I was going to burst.
And Jeremy seemed withdrawn and distracted as of late.
He wasn't even telling Bonnie what was wrong.
And Alaric, you could see the longing and sorrow in his eyes constantly.


I jumped at the sound of the bell. Surely history wasn't over yet?
"Miss Gilbert! Can I speak with you?" Alaric looked my way with pity once more.
I Didn't Want Pity!

I nodded and walked from my desk to his where he offered me his seat which I took thankfully. I was just so weak these days, not so much physically and emotionally but it still took its toll on me.

"What's up?"
He sighed and crouched in front of me. "Elena. We will get him back-"
I abruptly stood. I defiantly didn't want lies!
"Don't lie to me Alaric! I know that we won't! Because we can't! Otherwise we would have done it already!"
"Elena we just need time to-"
"To what? Figure out how to kill a hybrid? Well I'm sorry but as far as we all know it can't be done!"
He was taken aback by my behaviour.
"Look" I made my tone go softer. "I don't mean to take it out on you but I don't want pity, or false hope. So please, please don't give it to me." I choked back a sob as I walked from Alaric's room.

When I got home I went straight toward the stairs, all the curtains were closed with no lights on or at least that the way I left it. I reached the top stair and saw my bedroom light on through the crack in the door.
"Hello?" It was probably Damon but these days I couldn't be careful enough, what if Klaus had found out I was still alive?
I was just about to turn my door knob when I heard a girlish giggle from inside the room.
I took a step back.
"Who's there?" The voice said dragging out the last word before giggling again.
A scream got caught my throat as I took another step back, and another and then I bolted down the stairs and knocked into a body.
"AHHHH!" I started to scream.
"Elena? It's me Damon!" I opened my eyes and sure enough there was Damon standing before me in his black jeans grey top and leather jacket.
"Damon! Help, please! There's someone in my room-" Before I could finish explaining he was already up there.

Time seemed to go slower until he stepped back out.
"Elena. There is no one up there? Are you sure?" His eyebrows puckered.
"Yes!" It came out in a breathless wheeze so I took a deep breath before starting again.
"It was a girl. She was laughing and speaking and-" Out of the corner of my eye I saw a body run across my lawn through the window, the person was running at normal speed so they couldn't be a vampire.
"Damon!" I pointed. "There!" He turned his head and quickly went to the window.
"Did you see her?" At least I think it was a her?
"There is no one there Elena." He looked at me concerned. "Have you been sleeping properly?"
He brushed his fingers against the dark circles under my eyes. The truth is, no, I hadn't been sleeping. I couldn't. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw his face. Klaus' face.
"Come on." He took my hand and started to lead me upstairs but I was too scared to go into my room so I pulled back and once he saw the panicked look upon my face he led me to the couch where I laid on my back and drifted off.
But this time it wasn't Klaus' face I saw.

I looked around.
I was in a forest but it was wet, water dripping from the tree's, mossy grass and a deep blue sky.
On the horizon I could see water, midnight blue,it looked unreal, magical. Fireflies danced around the deep purple and crimson flowers that peppered the floor.
"Elena?" A Voice called out.
Not a voice, the voice , the voice from my room.
"Elena? Don't you want Stefan Back?" The voice sounded impatient.
"I'm over here… Elenaaa..?"
I turned around and there was a girl with shoulder length blonde hair with brown underneath.
She was wearing a skin tight, floor length midnight blue dress ,the same colour as the water, which flared out around her knee's it looked like a mermaid's tail

My eyes rose toward her face but I couldn't see it, it was blurry to a point where you can only make out the skin colour, alabaster white. Paler than Stefan.
"Who are you?" I demanded.
"I'm not quite sure…I'm a bit mischievous but I can be sweet…I like long walks along the beach-"
I sighed impatiently…She was goading me, and from her tone of voice she knew it too.
"What is your name!" I tried again.
She giggled the same eerie giggle that I heard coming from my room.
She was lying.
Why was she shouting?

I woke up to find Jeremy and Bonnie looking at me confused, worried.
"What?" I asked, my voice groggy and rough.
"You were screaming 'What Is Your Name!' And 'Who Are You!'… Are you okay?" Bonnie rested her hand on my clammy forehead.

"Yea, everything's fine… just a weird dream."
They looked at me once more making sure I was okay before heading out of the living room.

"Why did you lie?" I looked up suddenly only to find a girl who looked the exact same as the girl in my dream only I could see her face, red pouty lips and eye's which matched the deep purple of the flowers in the dream, and she sounded the exact same as the girl in my room.

She looked up to meet my gaze, smirked, and then disappeared.
♠ ♠ ♠
End Chapter!

What did you think for the first chapter?
Just so you know this is in the house that Elena got from Isobel.
Who is as excited for season 3 as I am?
BTW- Bella's eyes change colour according to moods and her hair changes colour according to whereabouts