Status: Hey! So this is a story i posted on under my username: LittlePurpleDress2 :) Hope you like

The Nixie

Chapter 4- Emotional


I rifled through Stefan's bedroom drawer while Elena looked in the closet and Bonnie and Jeremy went looking somewhere else in the house.
Surely my brother owned a hairbrush, right.

"Hello!" I almost jumped out of my skin when Bella just popped up next to me.
"Don't you have someone else to harass?" I said not looking her in the eyes.
It was something about her, she just made me feel uneasy and…open. I didn't like it. I couldn't trust her, couldn't get too close to her.
"Why would I do that when I could be with you?" I looked up at her sensing a double meaning in her words. I tried to keep my wandering eyes in check while I took in her image. She was beautiful, that much was obvious…
Bella was wearing white heel boots, black tights and a white dress with a black ribbon.
I then looked at her face…her lips still crimson red and absolutely kissable her hair was in a side fish plait. I saved her eyes for last; they were a light pink….light pink…

"And the baby pink colour?" Elena asked Bella as they sat on the couch.

"It means I'm feeling caring, loving or grateful" Bella replied
"Is that why they were pink when you got the iPod" Elena pointed to the Apple bag in Bella's hand.
Bella nodded and smiled at Elena her eyes turning once again: Light Pink.

Why were they light pink?

I shook my head slightly not wanting to dwell on it.
I didn't care how beautiful she was or how much I wanted to trust her, I couldn't.
Yeah! We will see how long that lasts…

"Any luck?" Bella broke the silence. I rolled my eyes, why wouldn't she leave me alone…

"If I had any luck would I still be looking?" Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh…but I couldn't help but get defensive. Who was she to just stroll in here thinking we needed her…Ok…Maybe we did but I wasn't going to admit that.

She sighed and her eyes flashed light blue before turning brown. Why does this upset her so much?

"Damon. Please just…Don't…" I raised my eyebrow as she stumbled over her words.
"What Bella?" I sighed impatiently.
She shook her head and blinked a few times before disappearing.

"What was that! Damon? What did you do?" Elena said coming out of Stefan's closet
"What! It's not my fault she is so emotional. She shouldn't bother talking to me anyway! She knows I don't like her." I defended myself
"Damon. If you blow this for us I will hate you forever" Elena said deadpanned as she walked out of the room and downstairs.


I ran into the living room where I had seen Bonnie and Jeremy last.
"Hey have you seen Bell-" There she was sitting next to Bonnie both of them looking a Jeremy seriously.

"What's going on?" I asked warily.
I looked at Bella's eyes to try and figure out just how serious whatever this is was, her eyes were like a kaleidoscope of colours, from what she told me she was confused…
"Elena…You might want to sit down, I need to tell you something…" Jeremy didn't look at me as he spoke, his eyes focused only on the floor. I moved across the room and slowly sat down.
"Damon…come down here…" Jeremy raised his voice a little as he called him down, knowing perfectly well Damon could hear him.
And he was down here before I could take another breath.
"What?" Damon asked, his tone clipped. I hoped that meant he had learnt his lesson and was going to at least try to be nice to Bella. I looked over to Bella who was looking at Damon, her eyes light blue before quickly turning a light red. I didn't blame her, if my eyes changed colour due to my moods they would surely be red too. Damon was out of line.
"I need to tell you guy som-" Jeremy quickly turned his head to the right "Shut up!"
We all followed his gaze and saw nothing.
"Jeremy? There is no one there…" Bonnie said quietly.
I looked at Bonnie and she looked honestly scared, I think we all did, I also noticed she was holding a hairbrush –well at least she found it.
"I already spoke to Alaric about this. He is researching on why it might be but we don't know yet" Jeremy said.
"Jeremy…What are you talking about?" I was getting really confused…

"Okay…On the same day Stefan was…taken…I…I saw Anna and Vicki…"
"Jeremy…there dead…" Was he doing drugs again?
"Yeah…I can see their…ghosts…"
♠ ♠ ♠
End Chapter
I know that was really short but it is 02:30am where I am and I'm really tired.
How do you think they should react?
What did you think of this chapter?
When do you think Damon should take his head from his ass and get a clue? Ha-Ha!