Status: Hey! So this is a story i posted on under my username: LittlePurpleDress2 :) Hope you like

The Nixie

Chapter 5: Blood Brother


While Caroline, Tyler, Alaric and Jeremy were looking into Jer's ghost situation Damon, Bonnie, Bella and I were getting everything ready to track Stefan and Klaus down.
Bella said when we did 'confront' them, it would be best if it happened near the sea but a lake or river would work just as well.
Alaric thought that maybe it was because Jeremy died of a 'normal' cause that he was seeing ghosts. Of course when he said normal he meant not supernatural…but Bonnie wasn't convinced.

So now we were in the dining room. Bonnie sitting at the head of the table with me and Damon flanking her and Bella was standing looking completely engrossed in what was happening.
All we needed now was Damon's blood but Bonnie wasn't sure his vampire transformation would have affected his DNA. But it was all we had as a direct link to Stefan…Well that and a strand of hair.
We all tensed up as a drop of Damon's blood fell onto the map over where it said Mystic Falls, VIRGINIA.
Slowly the blood started to move across the map until it reached Forks, Washington.
"Wow, this guy doesn't waste time does he?" Damon said once he was sure it was finished.
Bella leant over the table to get a closer look.
"I used to live there…Well I lived in the water at La Push Beach…If we can make sure Klaus is at that beach it should be a piece of cake" She grabbed a chair and sat down as she spoke, eyes never leaving the map.
"Why did you leave?" I had to ask.
"Change of scenery I guess? I swam all the way to Virginia Beach and then walked until I saw…" Bella looked at me warily and her eyes turned light pink.
"Wickery Bridge?".

"Okay, when do we go?" Damon said looking at Bella seriously.
Bella's eyes turned light red.
"So now you talk to me like I'm an actual person? Thought you didn't trust me?"
"I don't. I'm doing it for Elena." He retorted.
Bella's eyes flamed crimson before turning Emerald Green.
I looked at Damon but he wasn't paying attention. I would have to ask her about that later.
Bella's eyes turned back to brown as she started to speak again grabbing both mine and Damon's attention.
"We leave after the full moon. He will be to powerful then. He is less powerful the days following due to him changing the night before. Elena, you know you have to stay here don't you?" She looked at me and her eyes flashed light pink. I simply nodded wondering if she had ever been in the same position I shook that thought away, she wouldn't be here if she had her other half.

"So Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, and I will go. You all know the plan right?" Bella turned to Damon and Bonnie.
"Yea. Distract. Grab. Drown. Conquer. Right?" Damon said sarcastically. To which Bella rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Full moon is in 2 days. Be ready. And Bonnie you need to tell the others. I'm going on a walk" She stood so I grabbed her wrist and her eyes turned multi-coloured.
"Mind if I come with you?" I asked, her eye's turned silver as she nodded and walked away, me trailing behind her.

"So, how are you feeling?" Bella said breaking the silence.

"Good. A little nervous, I just…I don't want anything to go wrong. And I hate that I can't help. I know if I came I would just be an unneeded distraction but…" I trailed of I couldn't form words.
"It'll be okay. And I'm sorry you can't come. You have been separated so long and it will be so painful for you to know that he is here but your being kept away…but it will be worth it in the end wont it?"
I nodded. "Defiantly, Sometimes I think it might be easier if I became a vampire, y'know? But it isn't the kind of decision I want to make without Stefan"
Bella 'Mmmmed' and nodded. Now was the perfect time to bring it up.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead Elena"
"Why is it that you get jealous when Damon does things for me?"
Her eyes turned light blue as she looked at me.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell him?"
I was getting really confused so I just nodded.

"When I first saw Damon, when I was watching you all, I felt a tingly sensation coursing through my body…this is one of the other reasons I stayed…But I couldn't say it in front of Damon…Anyway…When I saw him and he saw me for the first time, in your bedroom it was then that I realised he is my true love…we don't know our true love until we have interacted with them…that's why my eyes were that shade of pink…it only ever happens once in our lives…when we find the one"

I gasped.
Bella loved Damon.
He was her true love.
And he was being a dickhead.
I looked at her, her eyes still that heart breaking blue.
So I did the only thing I could think of.
I grabbed her into a hug.
Bella hesitantly hugged me back, until she finally relaxed into the hug and started to sob tearless sobs.

"Is there something wrong with me Elena?" I looked at her and for the first time since I had met her she looked vulnerable.
I grabbed her into another hug and tightened my arms.
"No, not at all. Damon is just….he just has trust issues. Don't worry he will come round eventually" I tried to reassure her but I wasn't sure if he would. But he had too right?

We had been hugging for a long time…It could have only been a few minutes but it felt like hours.
Bella finally lifted her head.
"Thank you, Elena. For being so nice to me. I don't deserve it."
"Don't say that. Of course you do. And what are friends for anyway?"
Bella's eyes turned into a mixture of colours. "Friends?"
"Yeah, that's what we are, isn't it?"
Her eye's quickly flashed Golden and she smiled brightly. "I've never had a friend before…"
I smiled back and we slowly walked back to the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
End Chapter!
Did you like it? Bella and Elena bonding!
And Elena knows!
Do you think she will try and push things forward?
You also got a little clue into Bella's Master Plan you lucky things!
My chapter have been getting shorter haven't they?
Does anyone actually listen to the chapter songs?
Love you all x