Status: Hey! So this is a story i posted on under my username: LittlePurpleDress2 :) Hope you like

The Nixie

Chapter 6: The Girl With The Scar


"Okay Elena, this is it. I will call you as soon as he is in the car. Okay?" I tried to calm her down before we left but she was going crazy with worry.
"Elena, we have prepared for this, nothing is going to go wrong!" Damon said pulling her into a hug.
I felt my eyes flash green. That should be me!
Slowly Elena pulled back nodding her head and wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Okay. But Damon… promise me something?" Damon searched her eyes, his eyebrows puckering, before nodding. "Anything."
"Be nice to Bella" Elena looked at me at winked. I rolled my eyes back. She shouldn't try to get involved.
"I'll try" Damon replied but when Elena raised her eyebrow he said "Okay…I promise."
We all backed up a little bit waiting for Bonnie to remove herself from Jeremy's embrace.
"Come on Bonnie! We only have a few days!" I shouted my eyes turning purple.

"I'll see you guys later!" I said as I walked into the sea at Virginia Beach, I looked over to the horizon and my eye's turned midnight blue as I looked at the moon peeking over the edge.
When I was waist deep I looked back at Damon and Bonnie who were waiting to see me of.
Slowly I felt my hair change until it was fully brown and my legs come together and become the midnight blue tail I hadn't seen in such a long time. I waved to Bonnie and Damon before submerging myself into the water.
I stuck my arms out in front of me a laid my hand on top of the other making wave motions as I swam making it easier and faster for me.

I had been swimming for hours; I passed schools of fish as I went… I would usually stay and watch them for a while but I didn't have time.
I was halfway there and I knew Damon and Bonnie would still be a while behind me and I really needed something to eat but there wasn't any really decent fish or sea plant anywhere.
I took a deep breath as my head broke the surface of the water and I looked around.
I changed back to human and felt my hair turning blonde and tail splitting into legs.
Shit! I didn't think this through…I have no clothes.
I took another look around and saw a fishing boat further out in the water; I quickly changed back and swam out to the boat.
There was a man in the boat asleep with a fishing hat over his head. I smirked.
He will do.
As always I checked for a wedding ring, I didn't want to take him away from true love, and this was the only sign I could look for.
I reached into the boat and took his hat of his head and waited under water for a few moments until a saw his silhouette leaning over the boat. I swam up and grabbed his collar lightly.
"Hello, looking for something?" I held up his hat.
He looked confused and worried, they always did. Always wondered what a young girl like me was doing in the water this late.
A felt my eyes turn black as I manipulated the water. I felt the waves I made crash against the other side of his boat making it tip. As soon as he fell in I dragged him down to the bottom waiting for him to die before I received nourishment from him.
Whenever we drowned somebody it made us stronger, which is why we did it. We could live of it if we needed too.
As soon as I was done I turned his boat back over and put him in there for someone to find.
I took his shirt because it was the only thing I touched. If they looked for DNA samples on this they wouldn't find finger prints but they would find something. I didn't need that to happen.

I swam the rest of the way not needing to stop again. That man was enough to keep me going before the confrontation. I would need to rest a lot it is hard enough luring non-human in but a hybrid? This was going to drain me.

My head once again broke surface. Once my eyes adjusted I saw Bonnie and Damon waiting for me.
I smiled to myself. At least he wasn't frowning!
I felt my hair change colour and my tail split once more taking the form of a human.
I walked out of the water putting on the man's t-shirt.
When I reached shore I walked a few steps away from the water and felt my eyes turn silver as Bonnie handed me a towel and my clothes.
I changed into the purple knee length halter neck dress, black tights and black stilettoes. Yes, I know, I do over dress but I liked to look nice.
We made our way to the car, Bonnie in the back and me and Damon up front. I carefully directed Damon over to La Push. We would be staying with someone I knew a while ago, no need to tell her why. Didn't need her boyfriend getting involved!

As we walked toward the door I over took Damon giving him a look that said "Watch It!".
I knocked carefully and the door swung open revealing Emily, as beautiful as ever…even with the scar.
"Emily!" We both shouted at the same time with smiles on our faces. I wouldn't call us friends as she was more my mother's friend than mine.
"Come in! Get comfortable then you!" She said looking straight at me. "Can tell me the real reason you are here!"

♠ ♠ ♠
End Chapter!
How did you like it?
Yes the wolves are in it but no Cullen's sorry!
I just didn't want two types of vamps; it would get me all confused!
Did you listen to the chapter songs?
See you next time!