A Pretty Girl is Like...


He looks at her like she's the only thing left that makes sense. Maybe she is. He feels like he's lost everything, and all he wants is the pretty girl. She puts his head in a flurry. He laughs, he cries, he does a mixture of both. She makes him ecstatic, then crushes him. But no matter how bad she makes him feel, he has to have her. He feels like he's lost everything, but all he's lost is her. Pictures just aren't the same. Maybe he only likes the front she puts up. She makes herself seem unreachable. Impossible. That is why he has to have her, this pretty girl.

He had her for a while, you know. Just long enough to remember, but not long enough to count. She has a way of making the world seem perfect, when she's with you. She's not perfect, she makes every imperfection melt away. But if you mess it up, it's all over. You're done. He messed it up, with that pretty girl. And now he's done. He isn't even sure how he messed it up. Maybe it was all her. She was never meant for love, anyway. She made men fall in love constantly, but she doesn't think she's capable of the silly emotion.

Sometimes he feels like the girl isn't real. He fell in love and she disappeared. He remembers her, but it's blurred. And the pictures don't feel like her. When he tries to describe his pretty girl, words simply fail. Nothing fits the right way.

So how do you describe this pretty girl? He could ask every boy who's ever loved her, and the answer would be different. Not entirely different. All would struggle for their different words, but it would all end the same: "My pretty girl is just my pretty girl."

How can one girl be so indescribable? So different to each person? It is all a matter of perception. This girl will never be the same.

A pretty girl is like a pretty girl.