Status: Active :)

The Benefits of Brothers

The First Time


I giggled as Trent opened the door to our apartment.

"Shh!" He scolded me, smiling like a goof.

We were both still pretty drunk; stumbling everywhere, and laughing like idiots. We`d just gotten back from some party Trent`s friend had at a club downtown.

This was a regular night for us: come home from work, get ready, and go. We liked living as fast paced as possible – like there was no tomorrow.

We went our separate ways toward our rooms, and as far as I know Trent made it to his room safely
As for me, well I was much too intoxicated to walk straight, let alone think straight.

I found my way into the first room on my left can crawled clumsily in the bed.

I sighed into my unusually warm bed. It wasn't until I felt movement that I realized I wasn't in my bed.

I rolled over and found myself face to face with Travis, Trent's 23 year old brother.

"Cass... Why are you in my bed?" He said, sleepily.

"Mmm... I'm cold." I muttered.

Travis smiled. "Come here." He said, pulling me to him. My head rested in the crook of his neck, and I sighed against his warmth.

"Are you drunk?" He whispered in my ear, I could hear him smirking.

"Maybe," I giggled, dragging out the e.

For reasons still unknown to me I started kissing Travis' neck. They were probably terrible kisses considering my condition, but Travis seemed to be enjoying it, and so was I.

Soon enough Travis was straddling me and kissing me. I remember them being great kisses; warm, inviting, passionate, and hungry. Travis always kissed me like he wanted me; like he`d never wanted anything more in his life.

All he was wearing was his underwear, so he worked on getting me as naked, if not more, than him.


Honesty time: I wasn't exactly a virgin when this happened...

Okay I definitely wasn't a virgin. I'd slept with maybe three guys before this night, but I'd never felt like this before.

With Travis something was always different. When we were together it was like my entire body was alive with passion and lust. It was a feeling I`d never felt before.

That night was one of the best nights of my life, but it was also a mistake... I think.


I'd been living with the Hunter brothers since I was 16.

Trent and I had been best friends since 5th grade, and because of that I'd sort of become friends with Travis too.

After my dad left us, my mom became a bit of an alcoholic, and started to drink away her new found insecurities.

I decided to give myself a break from her, and moved in with Trent and Travis.

I'd been living with them for three years when I slept with Travis. I was 19, and that was only 3 months ago.

I've been sleeping with him for three months and Trent still doesn't know. Why should he? Yes, we`re best friends, but I don`t want to make things awkward by telling him...

What you don't know won't hurt you... right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Here`s the first chapter. Don`t be a silent reader! :D
If the story seems familiar I did post some of it on here about 2 years ago, but I have since revised it, and am continuing it now on this new account.
I hope you like it! :)

- Chelsea