Status: Active :)

The Benefits of Brothers



Cassie had told me multiple times that she felt like she was betraying Trent, and possibly breaking some sort of 'friendship code' by sleeping with me, but no matter what she said she always came back to me.

After all, I was her first and only. I'd slept with a good amount of girls before I slept with her, but for a virgin Cass was pretty good in bed. Although, she's quite the screamer; that girl could deafen me with her screams.

Trent isn't too much of a problem. Most of the time when we have sex we make sure he's either drunk or high, or, if we can, not home. Half the time even if he's sober he just assumes I brought home some random again anyways.

Don't get me wrong, yes, I do feel bad that we're sneaking around behind my brother's back, but what can you do right? What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

It's sad that he hasn't realized it yet though: it has been three months. You'd think that since he's so obviously in love with Cassie that he'd be able to realize when she was sleeping with his brother, but apparently not.

Yes, I know, I'm a douche for sleeping with the girl I know my brother is in love with, but I like her. Cassie's great, and we're both having fun, so why not?

Besides, it's not like Trent is going to do anything about his 'love' for her. He's been in love with Cass for years and she still doesn't know.

If Trent was going to make a move on Cassie he would've done it by now. I`m sure of it.


I sat on the couch with Cassie and Trent last night watching some old horror movie Cassie had brought home. Cassie sat in the middle of the couch; wrapped up in blankets and holding her knees.

I looked over at Trent and caught him watching her. He stared for the longest time until she screamed and jumped a little; I guess that pulled him out of his thoughts.

I started to watch Cassie too. She always loved horror movies; she said she loved the rush she'd get when she was scared. I watched her bite her lip as she watched slowly releasing it from under her teeth.

Cassie caught me watching her and smiled as she moved a little closer to me.

"You should really watch the movie you know," She whispered teasingly in my ear.

"Ha ha," I rolled my eyes at her comment. "You're too funny princess."

"Don't call me that!" She raised her voice at me.

"Hey hey, watch the movie!" I teased, and with a quick "humph" Cassie crossed her arms and continued to watch the movie, glaring at me every chance she got.

I smirked at this, it was just so Cassie; always so childlike and adorable, yet she could be so damn sexy when she wanted to be.

Meanwhile, Trent gave me a questioning look, but I brushed it off.

Nice guys always finish last.


Cassie brought home a horror movie last night which, surprisingly, she hadn't already seen.

She`s obsessed with horror movies; anything suspenseful, gory, or scary. It`s ridiculous: she hates blood, and is scared easily, she loves every minute of it.

She`ll sit there, curled up on a ball with her head on her knees staring at the screen with wide blue eyes like a little kid.

She sat like that last night, just staring at the screen, but all I could do was stare at her. Her long, curly, brown hair flowed down her back, and around her face. She`d probably say it looked messy, but it was perfect. She always looked perfect; I hated it when she said she didn`t.

God, she`s cute. So fucking cute. She snapped me out of my staring when she jumped and let out a small scream. I could see her face turn just the slightest shade of red when she realized that she`d screamed.

So fucking cute.

It didn't take long before Cassie got uncomfortable. She`s one of those people that has to be constantly moving. She sat up, making little whimpering sounds as she pushed her shoulders back and rubbed the back of her neck, stretching. I watched her hand carefully move from her neck, to her collarbone, to just above her chest where she dropped it.

She moved her feet over to where Travis had been sitting and put her head on my lap. She looked up at me, smiled, and then went back to her movie.

She fell asleep soon after, but I didn't wake her. I just played with her hair, and watched the rest of her horror movie, enjoying the moment she let me have.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I`ll be putting them up as often as I can, but I don`t have the entire story written, and I am still editing what I do have so bear with me :)
Don`t me a silent reader! Let me know what you think! :)

- Chelsea