Status: Active :)

The Benefits of Brothers



Trent and I spent Friday night partying at some random guy`s house. Apparently he was a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of a friend of Trent's. Neither of us really cared whose house it was though, a party's a party.

We danced all night; fueled by an obscene amount of alcohol, and a few grams of coke that Trent had bought earlier.

I probably should've gotten alcohol poisoning, but apparently my body is so used to my abuse of it that I was fine, except for being far too under the influence.

Trent and I stumbled into the apartment drunk and laughing at something, as per usual.

I hardly remember any of that night, but I know for sure it wasn't a good one.

I woke up Saturday morning with a monster hangover, rolled over and looked around my room.

This isn't my room.

I was in Trent's room.

Oh, I must have fallen asleep in here. God, that was a rough night.

I pulled the covers off my body and quickly pulled them back on.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm naked!!!

I looked over at Trent and peaked under the covers at him.


Trent and I slept together.

I slept with Trent.


I stumbled out of his bed and pulled on my clothes from last night. Quickly and quietly I made my way to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. What the fuck did I do last night?

Oh thank god Travis isn't home.

When I got out of the shower I changed quickly in my room and walked into the kitchen.

Trent sat at the kitchen table eating toast and staring at me.

"So... We uh, fucked, huh?" He asked.

"I guess so," I said, nervous. I wish I remembered what happened.

"Do you, uh, remember?"

"No," I said looking at my hands, ashamed.

"I do. Sort of."

"Oh." Was all I could manage to say.

"You scream a lot huh?"

"Mhmm..." My face turned pink.

"Yeah, you uh, you screamed a name."

"Oh God, was I seriously screaming your name?" I put a hand on my face, trying to cover the bright red colour that I knew it was turning to.

"No, actually. You were screaming "Travis" Cass, "

My jaw dropped.

"Yeah. You were fucking me, and you were screaming Travis!" Trent screamed at me, getting up out of his chair.

"I`m sorry..." I said, my voice low.

"Why the hell would you say Travis? Did you get us confused Cas? I'm Trent - TRENT! Your best friend! The guy who's been in love with you for years! Fuck Cass!"


"Fuck off Cassie."

He didn`t give me a chance to say another word, he just walked out of the apartment.


Maybe I over reacted?

Maybe she was just drunk.

No shit she was drunk, but...

Why Travis?

Maybe it was just the alcohol.


Well at least now she knows you love her.

Fuck. My. Life.

I couldn't get this morning out of my head.

I'd just left the house after freaking out and telling Cassie to fuck off and I had no clue where to go.

I continued walking down the street until I reached a small cafe. I sat down with a black coffee and stared out the window. If this were a movie it would be raining, but as I stared out the window the sun was shining so bright my eyes even hurt a little. How perfect. My day`s shit, and I can`t even get a little rain!

Should I go back and talk to her?

Should I talk to Travis?

No, not Travis. Bad idea.

Cassie then?

But then she'll know what I did.

I'd have to explain everything.


Fuck... Fuck. Fuck!

Damn this coffee's good.

I guess when you don't sleep because you're on so high on life due to the fact that you just had sex with the girl you've loved for, well, forever, then coffee is a good idea.


What if she didn't mean to say Travis?

What if it was just her being intoxicated?

But what if it wasn't?
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoops... I guess the brother`s a quite easy to mix up huh? ;P
Don`t be a silent reader!!
- Chelsea