Status: Active :)

The Benefits of Brothers

What To Do...?


When Trent left I had no idea what to do.


He hates me.

My best friend hates me and I don't know what to do.

I hit the back of my head on the wall multiple times before sliding down the wall into a crumpled up ball and crying.

What if he never talks to me again?

He said he loved me. That has to mean something.

Of course it means something!

He has to talk to me.

I need him.

Who would I be without Trent? He's my best friend, my partner in crime. Fuck.

I fucked up: big time. I'm such a fucking whore, I can't believe I did this.

What do I do when he comes back?

Do I apologize?

Do I try to explain?

Oh fuck, I'm so screwed.

I sat in a crumpled ball crying for who knows how long until I heard the door open.

I probably should have got up and barricaded myself in my room, but, instead, I decided to ignore who ever came in. I was hoping that it would be Trent and he'd see how upset and sorry I was, and maybe that`d soften him up. Make him realize how terrible I felt.


I walked into the apartment and heard soft whimpering coming from the hallway.
Cassie lay in a crumpled ball in the hallway, crying with her face covered. She didn`t even glance up when I came in, she just continued crying.

"Cass, what's wrong?"

"I fucked up!" She cried.

"No, you didn't. What happened? Where's Trent?" I helped her to sit up and put my hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

"I don't know! I fucked up Travis! He- he h-h-hates me!"

"No, no he doesn't," I picked her up, wedding style and brought her into my room, carefully placing her on my bed.

"Cassie just relax okay? Go to sleep and we'll talk about this when you wake up okay?"

"I-I can't."

I moved closer to her, wrapped both my arms around her, and kissed her forehead. "Please, Cas, go to sleep."

It didn't take Cassie very long to fall asleep, and I followed soon after.

When I woke up Cassie was still sound asleep in my arms.

I slowly and gently removed my arms from around her, careful not to wake her up, and made my way to the kitchen. It was only 1 in the afternoon, so we hadn`t slept too long.

I made her some scrambled eggs and brought them into my room.

As soon as I entered the room, eggs in hand, she woke up. That's Cassie.

"Good afternoon Princess," I smiled down at her, handing her the eggs.

"Thank-you," She said, returning my smile.

"So... what happened earlier?"

"Umm... Trent and I may have... sort of- maybe had... sex?"

"What do you mean sort of maybe?"

"We had sex." She said, not looking at me, just staring at her plate of eggs.

"Okay, so why were you crying?" Wow. She had sex with him. Trent must be ecstatic. And I'm, well it's safe to say I'm not.

"Umm... we were drunk, and I guess I might have... screamed Travis, and he remembers." She was still looking down.

I have to admit that when she said that I smiled inside.
Cassie screamed my name when she was fucking Trent.
Cassie screamed my name when she was fucking Trent!

"I don't even remember having sex with him! I hardly remember most of the night!"

"Hey, Cassie it's okay. I doubt he hates you."

"He does!"

I pulled Cassie into a hug and let her cry. What else was I supposed to do?

I knew for a fact that there was no way that Trent could ever hate her, he loves her, but I couldn't tell Cassie that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please don`t be a silent reader!! I love any kind of feed back!
Thanks for the comments and subscriptions everyone, they are beyond appreciated and you`re all awesome :D
- Chelsea