Status: Active :)

The Benefits of Brothers

We Shouldn`t Be Doing This


I sat on the bed, crying while Travis hugged me, and I couldn't help but want to push him down and kiss him.

And, unfortunately, I did exactly that.

I pulled back from him a little, looked into his eyes, pushed him onto the bed, and kissed him. I was vulnerable, and scared, and apparently quite stupid too.

Almost immediately he responded, laying me down, his body hovering just above mine as we kissed.

I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He snaked his arm around my waist, and with one swift movement I was laying on top of him.

I straddled his waste, hovering over him while we kissed, but his hands found their way underneath my shirt, and grasped my hips, pulling me down to him. We kept kissing, passionate, hungry kisses, and I could feel him getting excited beneath me, which, in turn, excited me too.

Travis was just so sexy; his smoldering green eyes, and dark shaggy hair combined with his chiselled body drove me nuts.

I knew I didn`t look good in the moment. I knew that there were teary make-up stains on my cheeks, and my hair was a knotted mess, but I also knew that Travis didn`t seem to care. He just kept pulling closer, and kissing me until we both needed to stop for air.

"We really... shouldn`t... be doing this," I said, still trying to catch my breath.

"I know, I just... I really don`t want to end this," Travis smiled up at me.


Why'd she have to do that to me?

I knew that by this point I was already past having any chance at being a good brother to Trent, but this just made it worse. I mean why did she have to come on to me while I was trying to feel bad for ever having had sex with her? It just ruins my whole guilt trip.

God, she was intoxicating. Honestly, if I could just be this way with her forever I think I would. The chemistry between us, I don't know what it is, but our bodies just fit together so well; the sex is amazing.

I knew it was wrong, and I knew I should have just agreed with her. I should have told her to get off me, and we should have ended it right then and there, but I couldn`t.

"I know, I just... I really don`t want to end this," I said, watching her bite her lip. She looked so cute, so conflicted and adorable.

"Trent never has to know Cass; it`ll be our little secret," I smirked.

"Uhm, Travis..." She said, climbing off me, and sitting in front of me. "Trent told me... He, he told me he`s in love with me. I don`t know if I can do this to him, especially if he feels that way."

"I know Cass. He`s been in love with you forever. I know this is terrible to say, but I honestly don`t care. I like what we have going right now, and I`d rather just keep Trent out of it."

Cassie sat there silently, biting her lip and looking down for a few minutes before she got up off the bed.

"I need to talk to Trent," She said, and with that she walked out of my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I`m having some trouble figuring out exactly were I want to go with this, but here`s a chapter anyways! Enjoy :)
Don`t be a silent reader!!
- Chelsea :)