Take Me Away

Chapter 4

I laid back in my chair as the art teacher called role. It took her a little bit of time to actually notice my existence. Once she did she told me to stand and introduce myself so we can get to work, I stood and said,

“Jessica, but call me Jessie.” and sat back in the chair, surprised that this art teacher was not like the others at this school. I was sheer thankful.
Come to a conclusion, once we had finished she told everyone that today we were sketching building for our three point perspective project. We were to sketch at least two 3 point perspective buildings and they have to be in the illusion that you were looking at the building from a bird’s eye view. I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to be able to do anything worth keeping.

“Ah shit, why do we have to make buildings?” Oli sighed in frustration and threw his ruler at his piece of large white paper.

“Because Oliver, this is enhancing your different skills in art and your ability to maintain stress.” The art teacher spoke up from her desk, herself scribbling an intricate drawing on the paper. I sat in my desk in turmoil as I heard noises coming from behind me. I turned to see all of the boys playing with the rulers and pencils, making them into helicopters. I just laughed and walked over to them, wanting to see what was so amusing about a ruler and a pencil.
As I walked over, Oliver followed close behind and once I got to the table I had gotten more comfortable with the lads. Oli’s arm had reached my shoulder and was casually slinging from my neck. I smiled as Oliver spoke,

“Jessie’s sitting with us at lunch.” All the boys nodded and I looked over at one of them to see a dinosaur on their page. I laughed knowing he wasn't doing what he was assigned to, but yet again, half the class wasn't. Of course, half of the class being Oli, I, and his mates.

“That’s a nice dinosaur. I would bang him if he was a man.” Everyone’s eyes quickly met mine as I blushed. God, I never knew that would get attention. Oli just laughed and held his stomach uncontrollably. Matt, who was the owner of this dinosaur, chuckled and smiled,

“I named him, Bob!” he shattered. I replied,
“That’s hot. But...unicorns are better.” As soon as I said this, Mattie stood up and thundered elfishly.

“No way! Dinosaurs are the best!”

“NOOOO! UNICORNS ARE BETTER!” The bell for lunch had just rang and Mattie and I were arguing the whole way there.

“No! Dinosaurs are better!”
I ignored him as everyone sat down with food. My food was an apple and water. I have a strong love for apples. Oliver was across from me, with Curtis and lee, making me and Mattie the only ones on this side. Curtis was looking at me but not exactly my eyes, so I turned to Oliver and asked,

“Which side are you on Oli bear?” I questioned.

“Err, I’d have to agree with Matt.” I frowned and turned to Curtis whose eyes were still wandering. I snapped my finger right in front of his face
“Eyes up here!” I pointed to my eyes, causing Curtis to look up at my eyes finally. Curtis just smiled,

“If you don’t want me to be looking, then don’t wear those shirts.” I was wearing a cheap plaid red and white shirt with a black tank top under. What shirts?
“Mmm, she don’t’ like it when you stare at her cans, I learned the hard way.” Oliver reassured Curtis.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust and bit into my apple. Curtis replied,

“Unicorns.” I jumped from my seat and ran over to Curtis, hugging him rather hard. I kissed his cheek and high-fived him.

“I’m so happy I said unicorns.” Curtis said happily as I giggled and Oliver looked over at me,

“Can I change my mind?” I shook my head no as his face sadden.

“But! Oli Bear, you get one anyways because you’re cool beans!”
His face brightened as he opened his arms.

“Umm no. You come here, fool.” I patted the spot beside me while Oli got up and made his way to the vacant spot next to me. I leaned over to hug him as we started talking again. I had now had everyone at the tables names memorized. It was going to come in handy later.
When I had started getting in a deep conversation with the rest of the mates, I felt a hand being placed on me knee. My eyes shot at my knee and I followed this arm till I came to the face of Oli.
What was he doing? I gave him a ‘W-t-f’ face and his smile just grew and grew. I tried ignoring him, but the second I turned away, his hand slid farther and farther down my thigh. Not this again.
I tried to shoo Oli’s arm away but every time he took it off my thigh the next time he put it back, it would go down further and further. It was to the point that his hand couldn't go any further. I bit my lip as Mattie went on with the conversation and I nodded, signaling that I got what he was saying and that I agreed. Oliver started making growling noises from the side that was kind of turning me on.
He propped his elbow on the cheap lunch table as he rested his head on his palm and pretended to listen to Mattie’s conversation with me. I felt his hands once again on my inner thigh. I jumped as he grasped the place he’d been holding and everyone watched me.

“Sorry, got excited for...literature...and all...woo...next block...yeah...never mind.” I was pathetic.
I pulled Oliver to the other side of the table. We needed to talk.

“Oliver. What are you doing? I thought you were done playing this game.” I asked him respectfully even though I shouldn't have; just about a minute ago he had been touching me. Oli raised an eyebrow and cocked his head towards me, being dangerously close,

“Game? Let’s make this a game, Love. I bet by the end of the week, you’ll be begging me to feel you.” He whispered in my ear, staring at my lips. Was he serious? I wanted to see what we were playing for, since I absolutely didn't want Oliver; if I won, I wanted to see what my reward was.
“What about me doing whatever you want, for a month?” he whispered. My head pounded. I could make Oli buy me coffee. Oh yeah baby! Fraps up the ass!
“Deal. So if I lose, which won’t happen, it’s the same deal, yeah?” I questioned.

“Yeah, but don’t be so sure of yourself.” I could tell he was trying to be all seductive because his breathe was blowing on my face and hitting my neck. It was working, but I didn't let it show one bit. I was determined to get those fraps.
“You better be ready Oli Bear, you’re in for a ride.”

Oliver looked at me with a disbelieving look while we returned to our table. No one had asked where we had been but I’m sure they were all thinking of it. As everyone got up and started leaving, I jumped on Mattie’s back. Mattie just shrugged as Oliver stayed right behind me.

“Oliver! Come up here so I know you’re not staring at my ass!” I practically yelled. Oliver frowned and came to my side. I was determined on winning, I wanted this so bad. I would have to think of a plan later to make Oli beg for me.
When Mattie went to his next class, Oliver and I walked in silence to our lockers getting the materials for our next class. While I pulled out a pencil and some paper from my dull locker, I felt hands grip my waist. I looked down to see that they were tattooed hands. I snorted and went back to getting paper out of my locker. Once finished, the hands were still wrapped around me. I turned around to meet Oliver’s eyes staring straight into my soul. I gulped as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. Not working.
I thought of a perfect way to get Oliver to look away while I got out of his death grip. My eyes widened in amazement as I looked over his shoulder and I pointed towards the door behind his head.

“LOOK DISTRACTION!” I yelled like I was excited.
To no surprise, Oliver turned around rapidly to find nothing but thin air. By the time he had turned back around to look at me, I was already at his side and away from his grip.
Oliver watched me as I escaped to Literature class. I obscurely made my way to the back of the classroom to sit in the seat in the very corner of the room.
Moments later, Oliver came in the door with a smirk on his face. After this class, I was going with him to hang out.
This Game was going to get ugly.
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