Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 1


That was all you heard at the football games every Thursday night. Of course, those cheers were for Nicholas Jonas. The guy all the boys were envious of. The most popular guy at school. The big shot on campus. And the object of every senior, junior, sophomore, freshman girls' affection. But, mine? NOT A CHANCE.

I was known as the 'girl behind the book'. Lovely nickname, isn't it? I earned it by sitting in the corner of the classrooms, with an Award-Winning novel covering my face. Therefore, 'girl behind the book' was my new name. But, as my parents call me, I'm Aurora. [] Aurora Addison. 'Double AA' as my dad likes to call me. I despise that nickname.

But, getting back to Nick. Nick Jonas simply didn't interest me. Yet, every Thursday night, around 8 o'clock, I found myself sitting on a wet, cold bleacher, watching Nick and his buddies running around, throwing and kicking a oddly shaped ball around on a grassy field. Why I did this seemed to send me into deep confusion. I guess it was because I had nothing better to do, so, I came here.

Don't get me wrong. I like coming here. Why, you ask? Because no matter what horrible things happened earlier in the day, I always looked forward to seeing all the cheerleaders and stalkers squeal to their friends, "OH MY GOSH! HE'S LIKE, SO FRIGGIN' HOT!"

Good times... good times.

The only person that didn't refer to me as 'girl behind the book' was my best friend since kindergarten. Aiden Ryan.

Aiden was the casual 'boy-next-door'. Sweet, caring, and the hopeless romantic. But not the guy who made girls swoon. That depressed him. And the blame for his depression was one person. Nick Jonas.

So, I guess by now you can understand what kind of person I am. The shy, quiet girl who sits and reads in the back of the classroom; the girl who has had one friend since kindergarten; the girl who was soon to found out that she would be someone's tutor.

And that someone was the guy all the boys were envious of. The most popular guy at school. The big shot on campus. And the object of every senior, junior, sophomore, freshman girls' affection.

Nick Jonas.
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Once again, just salvaging an old fanfic writer's work from probably five years ago now. I've had it saved for so long, and I want others to read it. It's sad that she deleted her account.