Status: I salvaged this story from a user on Youtube a few years ago. She deleted it and I saved all of the chapters ahead of time. Thus, this is not my original work, I am just sharing this other person's work.

Jonas High School

Chapter 10

The next morning was probably worse than yesterday's incident. All day I tried to avoid Nick, Gina, and Aiden. Oddly, I hadn't seen Nick all day. And I thanked God for that. My reason for avoiding Nick was obvious. I mean, look what he's done. Sure, he wasn't a bad kisser at all, but just the thoughts of having my first kiss with someone like him will forever haunt my mind. Then there was Gina and Aiden. Yes, they are my best friends, but I just couldn't tell them. Gina would probably want to do something to Nick and Aiden would never look at me the same way again.

My life was screwed. And all because of Nick Jonas.

"Hey, babe! What's shaking?! Oh! Did you tell Jonas the horrible news about his girlfriend?!" Gina asked me, approaching me with a wide grin.

"Um... yeah."

"Well..." I knew she was waiting for me to explain what happened in details.

"He broke up with her." That's as simple as it can get.

"That's it?! All he did was break-up with the bitch?! What the hell?! Ugh, that boy is so stupid! But, whatever. So, how's your tutoring going?"

Horrible. He's not approving and he just uses me to prove to his girlfriend that he's over her. "Good. I think he's getting better." It's official. The worst liar in the world award goes to me!

"Wow. That's good. Pretty soon and you'll be able to hang out with me and Aiden again!" Gina said, excitedly.

"Mmhmm. Hey, I have to go over to Nick's now anyways. I'll call you later." I waved goodbye and rushed towards the EXIT.

I had no idea why I was in a hurry to go over there. As I kept screaming at myself to turn back and walk home, I still constantly walked in the direction to his house.

When I got to his porch, I courageously walked into the house, and straight into the living room. "NICK!" I screamed.

I heard footsteps upstairs and looked up to see Nick standing there, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Did you just skip school?" I asked, shocked.

"Maybe," he shrugged, and walked down the stairs, taking his time, "I had a busy night..."

"Oh, really? With whom?" I asked.

He smirked, "Why? Jealous that I didn't invite you? Hey, Rory, feel free to call me anytime."

"I told you not to call me Rory, remember?" I snapped.

"Geeze, sorry," he muttered and sat comfortably on the couch, putting his feet up, "so, what did I miss?"

"That's it? Don't you realize that you missed a day of important work that could help your education in many ways?"

Nick's eyes widened and he made a fake, horrified expression, "Oh, no! What have I done?! Did I just sleep in from the oh-so-super-wonderful place of learning?! NO! I'M SUCH A HORRIBLE PERSON! What will I ever do now?!"

I knew what he was doing. He was mocking me.


I rolled my eyes, "So what are you going to tell the teachers when they ask, because you know they will. 'Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Mendez, I couldn't come to school yesterday due to my overly-tiring sexual activi-ties I performed last night with a girl. Come to think of it, I don't even remember her name now! So, how about we just skip giving me detention and I can take my seat.' "

"Wow. That's good! You're so smart, Aurora." Nick said, turning on the TV.

I looked at him, "That's horrible! Sometimes, it feels like you have absolutely no morals and you make the worst first, second, and third impression on people. And you blame me for being stereo-typical..."

"For your information," Nick looked at me with a stern look, "I wasn't with a girl last night and I didn't do it with anyone. Believe it or not, I do have morals; probably more than most people. So before you go judging me, again, get your facts straight." Nick stood up and walked into the kitchen.

A regretful sensation washed over me that made me want to run into the kitchen and tell Nick I'm sorry. I fought to get that feeling out of my body and yelled at my conscience for always telling me what was right. Yet, I listened to it anyway.

"Nick...? I'm sorry. Look, I had no right to think that you would stoop as low as to give up your dignity to some random girl." I said slowly and quietly as I stepped into the kitchen.

He turned around to face me and put his finger to his mouth, signaling for me to be quiet, and turned his back to me. "Yeah... I know. Listen, I'm fine, really... no, I'm not coming home... I have my reasons... look, I can't talk to you right now, I have a friend here... none of your business... yeah, whatever. Bye."

He closed his phone and faced me again, "It's no problem. So, do you want something to eat?"

My curiosity got the best of me, "Who were you on the phone with?"

"And that's any of your concern why?"

I shrugged, "Just asking."

"My brothers. As you can see, I live alone." He opened the refrigerator and took out two sodas.

I took a good look around. I would've never guessed a home to be so clean with one 18-year-old boy living in it.

"Really? How come?"

"You're suddenly full of questions. First, you insult me, now you're asking me all about my personal life. Aurora Addison, you're the most complicated person I've ever meet in my entire life."

I smiled, "Don't worry, I get worse."

Nick smirked, "Well then, I can't wait."

"And why's that?"

"Because I'm going to be the first person to figure you out."

"Is that a threat?" I stepped closer.

He took a giant step towards me, and came face-to-face with me, locking his eyes with mine, "Babe, it's a promise."